Displays a group's list of ids the way ldapid(1) does.
ldapgid [-P]<groupname|gid>
The following is displayed : gid=gidNumber(cn) users(primary)=uidNumber(uid)[,uidNumber(uid)...] users(secondary)=uidNumber(uid)[,uidNumber(uid)...].
users(primary) lists users having the group declared as their primary group. users(secondary) lists users using the group as a secondary one.
<groupname | gid>
Group name or GID of a group to show information about.
Display group information as a /etc/group file entry.
The ldapscripts are provided under the GNU General Public License v2 (see COPYING for more details). The latest version of the ldapscripts is available on : http://contribs.martymac.org
No bug known.