profbval <\s-1FASTA_FILE\s0> <\s-1RDBPROF_FILE\s0> <\s-1HSSP_FILE\s0> <OUTPUT_FILE[,OUTPUT_FILE,...]> <\s-1WINDOW\s0> <OUTPUT_MODE[,OUTPUT_MODE,...]> <\s-1DEBUG\s0>


PROFbval is a neural-network based trained on backbone B-value data from X-ray structure. PROFbval was trained on a sequence unique set of high-resolution protein structures from the \s-1PDB\s0.

The mobility of a given residue on the protein surface is related to its functional role. A common measure of atom mobility in proteins is B-value data from x-ray crystallography structures. PROFbval is a method predicting backbone B-values from amino-acid sequence. PROFbval can be useful for both protein structure and function predictions. For instance, a biologist can locate potentially antigenic determinants by identifying the most flexible residues on the protein surface. Additionally, a crystallographer can locate residues that potentially have high experimental B-values.

Conversion of PSI-BLAST alignment to \s-1HSSP\s0 format

The most up-to-date procedure can be found at <>.

1. Convert \s-1BLAST\s0 output to a Single Alignment Format (\s-1SAF\s0):
 /usr/share/librg-utils-perl/ fasta=<query_fasta_file> maxAli=3000 eSaf=1 \
  saf=<saf_formatted_file> <blast_output>
2. Convert \s-1SAF\s0 format to \s-1HSSP:\s0

/usr/share/librg-utils-perl/ <saf_formatted_file> formatIn=saf formatOut=hssp \ fileOut=<hssp_formatted_file> exeConvertSeq=convert_seq

3. Filter results to 80% redundancy:

/usr/share/librg-utils-perl/ red=80 <hssp_formatted_file> fileOut=<filtered_hssp_formatted_file>

Output format

This description applies to the default output format.


residue number


residue type


raw value of the different between the two output nodes


predicted normalized B-value the values are normalized so in a given sequence the average value is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. The higher the value the more flexible a residue is predicted to be.

Non-strict mode (\s-1NS\s0)

indicates on a flexible residue. According to the \s-1NS\s0 mode most of the residues are flexible; hence, a residue on the surface that is predicted to be rigid is likely to have a functional role.

Strict mode (S)

indicates on a flexible residue. According to the S mode about a third of the residues are flexible, therefore, a stretch of residues that is predicted to be flexible might be important for the protein function.


Schlessinger A, Yachdav G, & Rost B. PROFbval: predict flexible and rigid residues in proteins. Bioinformatics. 2006 Apr 1;22(7):891-3.
Schlessinger A, Rost B. Protein flexibility and rigidity predicted from sequence. Proteins. 2005 Oct 1;61(1):115-26.



File containing protein amino-acid sequence in fasta format.


Secondary structure and solvent accessibility prediction by \s-1PROF\s0 in rdb format.


PSI-BLAST alignment profile file converted to \s-1HSSP\s0 format.


The name of the final PROFbavl output file. You may give multiple output files. You then probably want to give a list of output modes as well, one for each output file. Separate entries with ',' (comma is not allowed in the file name).


This is the desired smoothing window for the output. The method was trained on window of 9.


PROFbval can create output files in different formats for different purposes. The default output mode for the package is 6. You may give multiple output modes. You then probably want to give a list of output files as well, one for each output mode. Separate entries with ','. Modes: '-1', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', 'snap', 'snapfun'


For metadisorder\|(1)


For snapfun\|(1)


Default: 0. Enable with 1.


profbval /usr/share/doc/profbval/examples/cad23.f /usr/share/doc/profbval/examples/cad23-fil.rdbProf /usr/share/doc/profbval/examples/cad23-fil.hssp cad23.profbval 9 6



The directory used to look up ./scr/, ./scr/ and ./nn_files/ If unset /usr/share/profbval is used.



default output file extension


default precomputed input files directory


1. It is recommended to create the profiles using 3 iteration of PSI-BLAST against big database
2. It is also recommended to filter the hssp files using from the Prof package using the following command: perl hssp_file red=80


A. Schlessinger <[email protected]>

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