Documentation is fully in the usage output via "ui-auto-uvc -H". This is just a copy for convenience: Unified version control tool for ui-auto tasks.

This tool autodetects the used versioning control system and unifies a selection of common tasks needed by ui-auto tools. This is not a full featured version control tool.

VC paths have the common syntax 'LOCATION/TAG' (i.e., TAG is after the last literal '/' and must not contain '/' itself). This string is interpeted differently for the different VC systems:

LOCAL(meta): 'LOCALPATH': Will just 'cp -a' locally.

      Example: '/home/user/src/myproject/'.

CVS: 'CVSROOT;MODULE/TAG': TAG is an CVS tag. Empty or

      TAG=HEAD is the same. ';' is separator and must not be
      used elsewhere.
      Example: ';myproject/MYPROJECT_1_2_3'.

SVN: 'SVNURL/TAG': TAG just adds to the svn path (a svnpath alone is unique).

      Example: 'svn://'

GIT: 'GITURL/TAG': TAG is a git branch. If empty, we stay on repo's default branch.

      Example: 'ssh://'

Usage: ui-auto-uvc [-h|-H] -s -S arg -m arg CMD OPT1 OPT2

-h|-H : Get usage help; short (-h) or complete (-H).

Options: -s : Only print the autodetected vc system id. -S arg: Set VC System id arbitrarily. Supported: cvs svn git local. ['local'] -m arg: Message for this action. ['ui-auto-uvc: No user message.']

           Note that it depends on the used UVC command and the VC used how and if this is used.

Positionals: CMD : UVC command: check_installation path version update check_sync diff add commit tag branch changelog news checkout.

           * check_installation    : Check whether version control tools are installed.
           * path                  : Print current working directory's VC path.
           * version               : Print a VC version string (suitable for snapshots).
           * update                : Update working directory w/ server.
           * check_sync            : Check that working directory has no uncommited changes and is up-to-date w/ server (where applicable).
           * diff FILE             : Display diff for file.
           * add FILES             : Add files to version control.
           * commit FILES          : Check-in FILES (-m may be used).
           * tag NAME [DEST]       : Tag repository using NAME (use DEST for VCSes that copy for tags).
           * branch NAME [DEST]    : Branch repository using NAME (use DEST for VCSes that copy for branches).
           * changelog             : Generate ChangeLog from the VCSes logs.
           * news SINCE            : Generate NEWS text (first line of VC checkins).
           * checkout VCPATH DIR   : Checkout a from VC path to DIR (you need to explicitly set VCS via -S).
                                     See above for the syntax of VCPATH.

OPT1 : Option 1 for command. OPT2 : Option 2 for command.


Produced automatically by ui-auto on Mon, 18 Aug 2014 17:52:50 +0200.