Records a live funkload test using tcpwatch
fl-record [ options ] test_case
fl-record uses TCPWatch to setup a proxy server which is then used by a browser and records activities. It generates a Funkload script or a unit test if a name is passed to the script.
Show program's version number and exit
--help, -h
Show a help message and exit
--verbose, -v
Verbose output
--port=PORT, -p PORT
TCP port where the proxy listens (Defaults to 8090)
--tcp-watch-input=TCPWATCH_PATH, -i TCPWATCH_PATH
Path to an existing TCPWatch capture
--loop=LOOP, -l LOOP
Loop mode
Funkload was written by Benoit Delbosc.
This manual page was written by Jose Parrella <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).