Lttngtop lttng trace viewer
lttngtop INPUT
Lttngtop is a ncurses interface for reading and browsing traces recorded by the LTTng tracer and displaying various statistics. As of now, the cpu usage, performance counters and per process/file I/O bandwidth are displayed. This version currently only supports offline traces, but a live version is in alpha and will be available for testing soon.
Input trace path
LTTngTop requires that the pid, procname, tid and ppid context information are enabled during tracing.
If you want the CPU activity view, you need the sched_switch event, if you want the I/O statistics, you need to enable the system call tracing, and if you want the performance counters, you need to enable them for the events you are interested in (or all of them). Note, there is a hardware limitation for the number of performance counter you can enable, check dmesg for information.
The following example creates a trace with all events enabled, the mandatory context informations and three performance counters. It assumes that you are running as root or with a user part of the tracing group and a lttng-sessiond launched as root.
lttng create lttngtop lttng enable-event -k -a lttng add-context -k -t pid -t procname -t tid -t ppid -t perf:cache-misses -t perf:major-faults -t perf:branch-load-misses lttng start sleep 10 lttng stop lttng destroy
\'F2\': CPUTop
Switch to the CPUTop view which displays the CPU usage of each process
\'F3\': PerfTop
Switch to the PerfTop view which displays the performance counters (PMU) value of each process (if enabled during tracing)
\'F4\': IOTop
Switch to the IOTop view which displays the I/O usage of each process (as of now read and writes on any file descriptor network or disk)
\'Enter\': Process details
Display all relevant information for the process selected
\'Space\': Highlight
Highlights the process under the blue line to make it easy to find it across all views or toggle view in preference panel
\'q\': Quit
Exit the program
\'t\': Threads
Toggle threads display in CPUTop
\'r\': Preferences
Display the preference menu for the current view, this menu helps select the column displayed (only in PerfTop view for now) and the column to sort, use 's' to sort and 'space' to toggle the view
\'s\': Sort
In preference view, sort on the currently selected line
\'p\': Pause/Resume
Pause the display, hit again to resume the refresh (only works when the trace has not been fully displayed)
\'Right arrow\': Move forward in time
Display the next second of data, can be hit several time to bypass the default 1 second refresh period to fast forward
\'Left arrow\': Move backward in time
Display the previous second of data, automatically switch to pause if not already enabled
\'Up arrow\' / \'k\': Move UP the cursor
Move up the blue line to select processes
\'Down arrow\' / \'j\': Move DOWN the cursor
Move down the blue line to select processes
\'>': Sort the next column
Update the sorting to the next column
\'<': Sort the previous column
Update the sorting to the previous column
No knows bugs at this point.
If you encounter any issues or usability problem, please report it on our mailing list <[email protected]> to help improve this project.
LTTngTop is distributed under the GPLv2 license. See the LICENSE file in the source tree for details.
A Web site is available at for more information on Babeltrace and the Common Trace Format. See for more information on the LTTng project.
Mailing list for support and development: <[email protected]>.
You can find us on IRC server (OFTC) in #lttng.
LTTngTop was originally written by Julien Desfossez, with contribution from Mathieu Bain for the I/O bandwidth view, and suggestions and ideas from the team working with the LTTng project. It is currently maintained by Julien Desfossez <[email protected]>