The syfi form compiler
sfc [OPTIONS] input.form ...
The SyFi Form Compiler (SFC) is a form compiler from the FEniCS project, compiling variational forms from the Unified Form Language (UFL) to efficient C++ implementations of Unified Form-assembly Code (UFC). SFC uses symbolic expressions for finite elements from SyFi.
-h, --help
Display help text and exit.
Output directory.
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
Prefix string.
Compiler optimization level.
-c CACHE, --cache CACHE
Use JIT compiler cache.
-i METHOD, --integration-method METHOD
Specify integration method. METHOD may be either quadrature (default) or symbolic.
-d ORDER, --integration-order ORDER
Specify integration order.
-w, --dolfin-wrappers
Generate DOLFIN C++ wrapper code.
-b, --benchmark
Run benchmark of element tensor computation.
-s, --safemode
Use safe mode when generating (quadrature) code, writing complete integrand expressions unmodified.
Enable generation of debugging code.
-t, --timing
Enable timing of code generation process.
Send comments, questions, bug reports etc. to [email protected].
SFC is licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2, the same
SFC is written by Martin Sandve Alnæs <[email protected]> and Kent-Andre Mardal <[email protected]>. This manual page is written by Johannes Ring <[email protected]>.