sgi2tiff [ options ] input.rgb output.tif


sgi2tiff converts a file in the SGI image format to TIFF. By default, the TIFF image is created with data samples packed ( .IR PlanarConfiguration =1), compressed with the Lempel-Ziv & Welch algorithm ( .IR Compression =5), and with each strip no more than 8 kilobytes. These characteristics can overridden, or explicitly specified with the options described below.



Specify a compression scheme to use when writing image data: -c none for no compression, -c packbits for the PackBits compression algorithm), -c jpeg for the baseline JPEG compression algorithm, -c zip for the Deflate compression algorithm, and -c lzw for Lempel-Ziv & Welch (the default).


Explicitly select the planar configuration used in organizing data samples in the output image: -p contig for samples packed contiguously, and -p separate for samples stored separately. By default samples are packed.


Write data with a specified number of rows per strip; by default the number of rows/strip is selected so that each strip is approximately 8 kilobytes.


Does not record colormap information.

RELATED TO sgi2tiff…

tiffinfo(1), tiffcp(1), tiffmedian(1), libtiff(3)

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