A mail message header analyzer.
hmine [-vDa] [FILE] hmine -V
hmine reads a mail message from FILE or STDIN and outputs a variety of information found in the message headers. The message is expected in Internet mail format (RFC 821,822,2821,2822 or variations thereof). The body is not inspected.
On success, hmine returns 1. In case of a problem, hmine returns zero.
Print mailboxes and groups found in various header fields, one per line, preceded by the field name. Actual email addresses are always enclosed in '<' and '>' for easy parsing, ie anything not within these delimiters is not part of an email address. Beware that not every line need contain an email address.
Debug output.
Print the program version number and exit.
An invocation looks like this:
% hmine email.txt
The source code for the latest version of this program is available at the following locations:
At present, hmine parses messages but doesn't output anything useful.
Laird A. Breyer <[email protected]>