Loads a morse simulation for further edition
morse edit [-h] [-b BASE] [--name NAME] [-g GEOM] [env] [file] [pyoptions...]
Open the given Blender scene or Python script in the Blender interface for edition. The simulation can be started by pressing P.
the simulation environment to edit.
the exact scene (.py or .blend) to edit (if 'env' is given, within this environment). See section FILE RESOLUTION of morse-run(1) for details.
optional parameters, passed to the Blender python engine in sys.argv
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-b BASE, --base BASE
specify a Blender scene used as base to apply the Python script.
--name NAME
when running in multi-node mode, sets the name of this node (defaults to either MORSE_NODE if defined or current hostname).
-g GEOM, --geometry GEOM
sets the simulator window geometry. Expected format: WxH or WxH+dx,dy to set an initial x,y delta (from lower left corner).
Refer to morse(1) for global MORSE options.
2009-2010, LAAS-CNRS/ONERA ; 2010-2014, LAAS-CNRS