Copy between tile stores
tilelive-copy <options> <source> <destination>
Copy tiles from a source tile store URI to a destination tile store URI.
--job, -j
Job file (will be resumed if it exists)
--scheme, -s
One of [file, scanline, pyramid]
[default: "scanline"]
--list, -l
If scheme=file, the coordinates file
--concurrency, -c
Number of parallel copy operations
[default: 8]
WGS84 bounding box
[default: [-180,-85.0511,180,85.0511]]
Zoom level from which to start copying (inclusive)
[default: 0]
Zoom level until which to copy (inclusive)
[default: 8]
Metatile side length in number of tiles
[default: 1]
tilelive-copy -j my.job --minzoom=2 --maxzoom=4 --metatile=8 \ tilejson:///path/to/file/mapquest.tilejson \ mbtiles:///path/to/file/world-light.mbtiles