pypy-sandbox [options] [-- -c cmd|-- -m mod||-] [arg...]


pypy-sandbox is a wrapper around a "virtualized" version of PyPy, where an external process controls all input/output. This is a secure sandbox, it is safe to run any untrusted Python code with it. The Python code cannot see or modify any local file except via interaction with the external process.

Any options after a -- will be passed on to the wrapped sandbox-enabled PyPy. It supports the same options as the regular pypy(1).


--tmp DIR

The real directory that corresponds to the virtual /tmp, which is the virtual current dir (and is read-only).

--heapsize N

Limit memory usage to N bytes, or kilo- mega- giga-bytes with the k, m or g suffix respectively.

--timeout N

Limit execution time to N (real-time) seconds.

--log FILE

Log all user input into the FILE.


Log all proxied system calls. Requires python-py to be installed.

RELATED TO pypy-sandbox…

pypy(1), python(1)


The PyPy Project


2014, The PyPy Project