fileschanged [OPTION...] [FILE]...


Monitors FILEs for alterations. Display the filenames of FILEs that were created, changed, deleted, started execution or finished executing.

-s, --show=EVENT[,...]

Display created, changed, deleted, executing, or executed files (Default is "created,changed")

-a, --show-all

Display all file events and the associated action

-f, --files-to-monitor

(Default) Monitor the FILEs on the command line

-l, --filelist=FILE

Monitor the list of filenames inside FILE

-L, --dereference

Don't monitor symlinks, monitor what's pointed to

-r, --recursive

Monitor subdirectories of directories

-t, --timeout=N

Delay showing changed files for N seconds (Def=2)

-p, --display-action

Display action when showing altered files

-x, --exec=PROG

Run PROG when file is altered (PROG action filename)

-?, --help

Give this help list


Give a short usage message

-V, --version

Print program version

FILEs must exist when monitoring begins, or they will not be monitored.


Report bugs to <[email protected]>.

RELATED TO fileschanged…

The full documentation for fileschanged is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and fileschanged programs are properly installed at your site, the command

  • info fileschanged

should give you access to the complete manual.