- ALLEGRO_DATE.3alleg4
- Defined to a number with the release date of allegro.
- Defined to a string with the year allegro was released.
- Defined to the middle version of allegro.
- Defined to the major version of allegro.
- Defined to a string with the full allegro version number.
- Defined to the minor version of allegro.
- AL_ID.3alleg4
- Converts four 8 bit values to a packed 32 bit integer id. allegro game programming library.
- ASSERT.3alleg4
- Debugging helper macro to assert. allegro game programming library.
- Stores an audiostream. allegro game programming library.
- BITMAP.3alleg4
- Stores the contents of a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- Stores the contents of a compiled sprite. allegro game programming library.
- DATAFILE.3alleg4
- Stores an allegro datafile in memory.
- DAT_ID.3alleg4
- Makes an id value from four letters. allegro game programming library.
- DIALOG.3alleg4
- Stores a gui description. allegro game programming library.
- Stores gui data internally used by allegro.
- Locks the code used by a timer. allegro game programming library.
- END_OF_MAIN.3alleg4
- Macro to put after your main() function. allegro game programming library.
- GFX_MODE.3alleg4
- Stores video mode information. allegro game programming library.
- GFX_MODE_LIST.3alleg4
- Stores an array of gfx_mode structures. allegro game programming library.
- Stores joystick axis information. allegro game programming library.
- Stores joystick button information. allegro game programming library.
- Stores information about joysticks. allegro game programming library.
- Stores joystick stick information. allegro game programming library.
- Locks the memory of a function used by a timer. allegro game programming library.
- Locks the memory of a variable used by a timer. allegro game programming library.
- LZSS_PACK_DATA.3alleg4
- Opaque structure for handling lzss compression. allegro game programming library.
- Opaque structure for handling lzss decompression. allegro game programming library.
- MAKE_VERSION.3alleg4
- Create a 32 bit integer from the allegro version
- MASK_COLOR_15.3alleg4
- Constant representing the mask value in sprites. allegro game programming library.
- MASK_COLOR_16.3alleg4
- Constant representing the mask value in sprites. allegro game programming library.
- MASK_COLOR_24.3alleg4
- Constant representing the mask value in sprites. allegro game programming library.
- MASK_COLOR_32.3alleg4
- Constant representing the mask value in sprites. allegro game programming library.
- MASK_COLOR_8.3alleg4
- Constant representing the mask value in sprites. allegro game programming library.
- MATRIX.3alleg4
- Fixed point matrix structure. allegro game programming library.
- MATRIX_f.3alleg4
- Floating point matrix structure. allegro game programming library.
- MENU.3alleg4
- Stores the entries of a menu. allegro game programming library.
- MENU_PLAYER.3alleg4
- Stores gui data internally used by allegro.
- MIDI.3alleg4
- Stores midi data. allegro game programming library.
- PACKFILE.3alleg4
- Packfile structure, similar to the libc file structure. allegro game programming library.
- Packfile vtable structure, for custom packfiles. allegro game programming library.
- PALETTE.3alleg4
- Stores palette information. allegro game programming library.
- PAL_SIZE.3alleg4
- Number of entries in a palette. allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- Polygon rendering mode type allegro game programming library.
- QUAT.3alleg4
- Stores quaternion information. allegro game programming library.
- RGB.3alleg4
- Single palette entry. allegro game programming library.
- RLE_SPRITE.3alleg4
- Stores the contents of an rle sprite. allegro game programming library.
- SAMPLE.3alleg4
- Stores sound data. allegro game programming library.
- SCREEN_H.3alleg4
- Global define to obtain the size of the screen. allegro game programming library.
- SCREEN_W.3alleg4
- Global define to obtain the size of the screen. allegro game programming library.
- TRACE.3alleg4
- Debugging helper macro to trace messages. allegro game programming library.
- V3D.3alleg4
- Fixed point vertex structure used by 3d functions. allegro game programming library.
- V3D_f.3alleg4
- Floating point vertex structure used by 3d functions. allegro game programming library.
- VIRTUAL_H.3alleg4
- Global define to obtain the virtual size of the screen. allegro game programming library.
- VIRTUAL_W.3alleg4
- Global define to obtain the virtual size of the screen. allegro game programming library.
- ZBUFFER.3alleg4
- Stores 3d zbuffer information. allegro game programming library.
- _getpixel.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of getpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _getpixel15.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of getpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _getpixel16.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of getpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _getpixel24.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of getpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _getpixel32.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of getpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _putpixel.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of putpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _putpixel15.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of putpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _putpixel16.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of putpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _putpixel24.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of putpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _putpixel32.3alleg4
- Faster specific version of putpixel(). allegro game programming library.
- _set_color.3alleg4
- Inline version of set_color(). allegro game programming library.
- _ustrdup.3alleg4
- Duplicates a string with a custom memory allocator. allegro game programming library.
- acquire_bitmap.3alleg4
- Locks the bitmap before drawing onto it. allegro game programming library.
- acquire_screen.3alleg4
- Shortcut of acquire_bitmap(screen); allegro game programming library.
- active_dialog.3alleg4
- Global pointer to the most recent activated dialog. allegro game programming library.
- active_menu.3alleg4
- Global pointer to the most recent activated menu. allegro game programming library.
- add_clip_rect.3alleg4
- Intersects a bitmap's clipping rectangle with the given area. allegro game programming library.
- adjust_sample.3alleg4
- Alters the parameters of a sample while it is playing. allegro game programming library.
- al_assert.3alleg4
- Asserts at the specified file and line number. allegro game programming library.
- al_ffblk.3alleg4
- Cross platform structure storing file information. allegro game programming library.
- al_ffblk_get_size.3alleg4
- Get size of file returned by al_findfirst/al_findnext. allegro game programming library.
- al_findclose.3alleg4
- Closes a previously opened search with al_findfirst(). allegro game programming library.
- al_findfirst.3alleg4
- Low-level function for searching files. allegro game programming library.
- al_findnext.3alleg4
- Finds the next file in a search started by al_findfirst(). allegro game programming library.
- al_trace.3alleg4
- Outputs a debugging trace message. allegro game programming library.
- alert.3alleg4
- Displays a popup alert box. allegro game programming library.
- alert3.3alleg4
- Like alert(), but with three buttons. allegro game programming library.
- allegro_404_char.3alleg4
- Character used when allegro cannot find a glyph.
- allegro_error.3alleg4
- Stores the last allegro error message.
- allegro_exit.3alleg4
- Closes down the allegro system.
- allegro_icon.3alleg4
- Pointer to the allegro x11 icon.
- allegro_id.3alleg4
- String containing date and version number of allegro.
- allegro_init.3alleg4
- Macro to initialise the allegro library.
- allegro_message.3alleg4
- Used mainly to show error messages to users. allegro game programming library.
- allocate_voice.3alleg4
- Allocates a sound card voice for a sample. allegro game programming library.
- append_filename.3alleg4
- Concatenates a filename to a path. allegro game programming library.
- apply_matrix.3alleg4
- Multiplies a point by a transformation matrix. allegro game programming library.
- apply_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Multiplies a point by a transformation matrix. allegro game programming library.
- apply_quat.3alleg4
- Multiplies a point by a quaternion. allegro game programming library.
- arc.3alleg4
- Draws a circular arc. allegro game programming library.
- bestfit_color.3alleg4
- Finds a palette color fitting the requested rgb values. allegro game programming library.
- bitmap_color_depth.3alleg4
- Returns the color depth of the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- bitmap_mask_color.3alleg4
- Returns the mask color of the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- black_palette.3alleg4
- A palette containing solid black colors. allegro game programming library.
- blit.3alleg4
- Copies a rectangular area from one bitmap to another. allegro game programming library.
- bmp_read_line.3alleg4
- Direct access bank switching line selection for reading. allegro game programming library.
- bmp_unwrite_line.3alleg4
- Direct access bank switching line release. allegro game programming library.
- bmp_write_line.3alleg4
- Direct access bank switching line selection for writing. allegro game programming library.
- broadcast_dialog_message.3alleg4
- Broadcasts a message to all the objects in the active dialog. allegro game programming library.
- calc_spline.3alleg4
- Calculates a series of values along a bezier spline. allegro game programming library.
- calibrate_joystick.3alleg4
- Calibrates the specified joystick. allegro game programming library.
- calibrate_joystick_name.3alleg4
- Returns the next calibration text string. allegro game programming library.
- canonicalize_filename.3alleg4
- Converts any filename into its canonical form. allegro game programming library.
- centre_dialog.3alleg4
- Centers an array of dialog objects. allegro game programming library.
- check_cpu.3alleg4
- Detects the cpu type. allegro game programming library.
- circle.3alleg4
- Draws a circle. allegro game programming library.
- circlefill.3alleg4
- Draws a filled circle. allegro game programming library.
- clear_bitmap.3alleg4
- Clears the bitmap to color 0. allegro game programming library.
- clear_keybuf.3alleg4
- Clears the keyboard buffer. allegro game programming library.
- clear_scene.3alleg4
- Initializes a scene. allegro game programming library.
- clear_to_color.3alleg4
- Clears the bitmap to the specified color. allegro game programming library.
- clear_zbuffer.3alleg4
- Writes a depth value into the given z-buffer. allegro game programming library.
- clip3d.3alleg4
- Clips the polygon given in vtx using fixed point math. allegro game programming library.
- clip3d_f.3alleg4
- Clips the polygon given in vtx using floating point math, allegro game programming library.
- close_fli.3alleg4
- Closes a fli file previously opened. allegro game programming library.
- color_map.3alleg4
- Global pointer to the color mapping table. allegro game programming library.
- config_is_hooked.3alleg4
- Tells if a config section has custom hooks. allegro game programming library.
- cpu_capabilities.3alleg4
- Contains the capability flags of the cpu. allegro game programming library.
- cpu_family.3alleg4
- Contains the cpu type. allegro game programming library.
- cpu_model.3alleg4
- Contains the intel cpu submodel. allegro game programming library.
- cpu_vendor.3alleg4
- Contains the cpu vendor name. allegro game programming library.
- create_bitmap.3alleg4
- Creates a memory bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- create_bitmap_ex.3alleg4
- Creates a memory bitmap specifying color depth. allegro game programming library.
- create_blender_table.3alleg4
- Emulates truecolor blender effects in paletted modes. allegro game programming library.
- create_color_table.3alleg4
- Fills a color mapping table for customised effects. allegro game programming library.
- create_datafile_index.3alleg4
- Creates an index for a datafile. allegro game programming library.
- create_light_table.3alleg4
- Fills a color mapping table for lighting effects. allegro game programming library.
- create_lzss_pack_data.3alleg4
- Creates an lzss structure for compression. allegro game programming library.
- create_lzss_unpack_data.3alleg4
- Creates an lzss structure for decompression. allegro game programming library.
- create_rgb_table.3alleg4
- Generates an rgb mapping table with lookup data for a palette. allegro game programming library.
- create_sample.3alleg4
- Constructs a new sample structure of the specified type. allegro game programming library.
- create_scene.3alleg4
- Allocates memory for a 3d scene. allegro game programming library.
- create_sub_bitmap.3alleg4
- Creates a memory sub bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- create_sub_zbuffer.3alleg4
- Creates a sub-z-buffer. allegro game programming library.
- create_system_bitmap.3alleg4
- Creates a system memory bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- create_trans_table.3alleg4
- Fills a color mapping table for translucency effects. allegro game programming library.
- create_video_bitmap.3alleg4
- Creates a video memory bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- create_zbuffer.3alleg4
- Creates a z-buffer for a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- cross_product.3alleg4
- Calculates the cross product. allegro game programming library.
- cross_product_f.3alleg4
- Calculates the cross product. allegro game programming library.
- d_bitmap_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure drawing a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- d_box_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure drawing boxes onto the screen. allegro game programming library.
- d_button_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a button object. allegro game programming library.
- d_check_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a check box object. allegro game programming library.
- d_clear_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure to clear the screen. allegro game programming library.
- d_ctext_proc.3alleg4
- Dialogs procedure drawing text onto the screen. allegro game programming library.
- d_edit_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing an editable text object. allegro game programming library.
- d_icon_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a bitmap button. allegro game programming library.
- d_keyboard_proc.3alleg4
- Invisible dialog procedure for implementing keyboard shortcuts. allegro game programming library.
- d_list_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a list box object. allegro game programming library.
- d_menu_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a menu bar object. allegro game programming library.
- d_radio_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a radio button object. allegro game programming library.
- d_rtext_proc.3alleg4
- Dialogs procedure drawing text onto the screen. allegro game programming library.
- d_shadow_box_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure drawing boxes onto the screen. allegro game programming library.
- d_slider_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a slider control object. allegro game programming library.
- d_text_list_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a list box object with type ahead. allegro game programming library.
- d_text_proc.3alleg4
- Dialogs procedure drawing text onto the screen. allegro game programming library.
- d_textbox_proc.3alleg4
- Dialog procedure implementing a text box object. allegro game programming library.
- d_yield_proc.3alleg4
- Invisible dialog procedure that yields cpu time slices. allegro game programming library.
- deallocate_voice.3alleg4
- Frees a sound card voice. allegro game programming library.
- default_palette.3alleg4
- The default ibm bios palette. allegro game programming library.
- delete_file.3alleg4
- Removes a file from the disk. allegro game programming library.
- desktop_color_depth.3alleg4
- Finds out the desktop color depth. allegro game programming library.
- desktop_palette.3alleg4
- The palette used by the atari st low resolution desktop. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_bitmap.3alleg4
- Destroys any type of created bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_compiled_sprite.3alleg4
- Destroys a compiled sprite. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_datafile_index.3alleg4
- Destroys a datafile index. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_font.3alleg4
- Frees the memory being used by a font structure. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_gfx_mode_list.3alleg4
- Frees the list created by get_gfx_mode_list(). allegro game programming library.
- destroy_midi.3alleg4
- Destroys a midi structure when you are done with it. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_rle_sprite.3alleg4
- Destroys an rle sprite. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_sample.3alleg4
- Destroys a sample structure when you are done with it. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_scene.3alleg4
- Deallocates the memory used by a scene. allegro game programming library.
- destroy_zbuffer.3alleg4
- Destroys a z-buffer. allegro game programming library.
- detect_digi_driver.3alleg4
- Detects whether the specified digital sound device is available. allegro game programming library.
- detect_midi_driver.3alleg4
- Detects whether the specified midi sound device is available. allegro game programming library.
- dialog_message.3alleg4
- Sends a message to all the objects in an array. allegro game programming library.
- digi_recorder.3alleg4
- Hook notifying you when a new sample buffer becomes available. allegro game programming library.
- disable_hardware_cursor.3alleg4
- Disables the os hardware cursor. allegro game programming library.
- do_arc.3alleg4
- Calculates all the points in a circular arc. allegro game programming library.
- do_circle.3alleg4
- Calculates all the points in a circle. allegro game programming library.
- do_dialog.3alleg4
- Basic dialog manager function. allegro game programming library.
- do_ellipse.3alleg4
- Calculates all the points in an ellipse. allegro game programming library.
- do_line.3alleg4
- Calculates all the points along a line. allegro game programming library.
- do_menu.3alleg4
- Displays an animates a popup menu. allegro game programming library.
- do_uconvert.3alleg4
- Converts a string to another encoding format. allegro game programming library.
- dot_product.3alleg4
- Calculates the dot product. allegro game programming library.
- dot_product_f.3alleg4
- Calculates the dot product. allegro game programming library.
- draw_character_ex.3alleg4
- Draws non transparent pixels of the sprite with a color. allegro game programming library.
- draw_compiled_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a compiled sprite. allegro game programming library.
- draw_gouraud_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a sprite with gouraud shading. allegro game programming library.
- draw_lit_rle_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a tinted rle sprite. allegro game programming library.
- draw_lit_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a sprite tinted with a specific color. allegro game programming library.
- draw_rle_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws an rle sprite. allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a copy of the sprite onto the destination bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_ex.3alleg4
- Draws a optionally flipped/blended/tinted sprite on the bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_h_flip.3alleg4
- Draws the sprite transformed to the destination bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_v_flip.3alleg4
- Draws the sprite transformed to the destination bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- draw_sprite_vh_flip.3alleg4
- Draws the sprite transformed to the destination bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- draw_trans_rle_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a translucent rle sprite. allegro game programming library.
- draw_trans_sprite.3alleg4
- Draws a sprite blending it with the destination. allegro game programming library.
- drawing_mode.3alleg4
- Sets the graphics drawing mode. allegro game programming library.
- ellipse.3alleg4
- Draws an ellipse. allegro game programming library.
- ellipsefill.3alleg4
- Draws a filled ellipse. allegro game programming library.
- empty_string.3alleg4
- Universal string null terminator. allegro game programming library.
- enable_hardware_cursor.3alleg4
- Enables the os hardware cursor. allegro game programming library.
- enable_triple_buffer.3alleg4
- Enables triple buffering. allegro game programming library.
- ex12bit.3alleg4
- How to fake a 12-bit truecolor mode on an 8-bit card. allegro game programming library.
- ex3buf.3alleg4
- Mode-x triple buffering and retrace interrupt simulation. allegro game programming library.
- ex3d.3alleg4
- 3d 'bouncy cubes' demo. allegro game programming library.
- exaccel.3alleg4
- Using offscreen video memory to store source graphics for vbe/af. allegro game programming library.
- exalpha.3alleg4
- Creating and using 32 bit rgba sprites. allegro game programming library.
- exbitmap.3alleg4
- Loading and displaying pcx and bmp files. allegro game programming library.
- exblend.3alleg4
- Using translucency in truecolor modes. allegro game programming library.
- excamera.3alleg4
- Viewing a 3d world from an arbitrary camera position. allegro game programming library.
- excolmap.3alleg4
- Creating graphical effects with color mapping tables. allegro game programming library.
- exconfig.3alleg4
- Using the configuration routines. allegro game programming library.
- excustom.3alleg4
- Creating custom gui objects. allegro game programming library.
- exdata.3alleg4
- Accessing the contents of datafiles. allegro game programming library.
- exdbuf.3alleg4
- How to use double buffering to avoid flicker. allegro game programming library.
- exexedat.3alleg4
- Appending datafiles onto your executable. allegro game programming library.
- exfixed.3alleg4
- Using fixed point maths. allegro game programming library.
- exflame.3alleg4
- How to write directly to video memory improving performance. allegro game programming library.
- exflip.3alleg4
- Comparison of double buffering and page flipping. allegro game programming library.
- exfont.3alleg4
- Loading and manipulating fonts. allegro game programming library.
- exgui.3alleg4
- Using the gui routines. allegro game programming library.
- exhello.3alleg4
- Simple graphical "hello world" program. allegro game programming library.
- exists.3alleg4
- Shortcut version of file_exists() for normal files. allegro game programming library.
- exjoy.3alleg4
- Detecting, calibrating and using joystick input. allegro game programming library.
- exkeys.3alleg4
- How to get input from the keyboard in different ways. allegro game programming library.
- exlights.3alleg4
- One way to do colored lighting effects in a hicolor video mode. allegro game programming library.
- exmem.3alleg4
- Drawing onto memory bitmaps and then blitting them to the screen. allegro game programming library.
- exmidi.3alleg4
- Playing midi music. allegro game programming library.
- exmouse.3alleg4
- Getting input from the mouse. allegro game programming library.
- expackf.3alleg4
- Using custom packfile vtables. allegro game programming library.
- expal.3alleg4
- Palette effects and color cycling. allegro game programming library.
- expat.3alleg4
- Using patterned drawing modes and sub-bitmaps. allegro game programming library.
- exquat.3alleg4
- A comparison between euler angles and quaternions. allegro game programming library.
- exrgbhsv.3alleg4
- Rgb - hsv color space conversions. allegro game programming library.
- exrotscl.3alleg4
- Demonstrates rotate_scaled_sprite functions. allegro game programming library.
- exsample.3alleg4
- Playing digital samples. allegro game programming library.
- exscale.3alleg4
- Loading pcx files and bitmap stretching. allegro game programming library.
- exscn3d.3alleg4
- Using the 3d scene functions. allegro game programming library.
- exscroll.3alleg4
- Mode-x hardware scrolling and split screens. allegro game programming library.
- exshade.3alleg4
- Gouraud shaded sprites. allegro game programming library.
- exspline.3alleg4
- Constructing smooth movement paths from spline curves. allegro game programming library.
- exsprite.3alleg4
- Datafiles access and sprite animation. allegro game programming library.
- exstars.3alleg4
- 3d starfield and lightsourced spaceship. allegro game programming library.
- exstream.3alleg4
- Playing audio streams. allegro game programming library.
- exswitch.3alleg4
- Controlling the console switch mode for background running. allegro game programming library.
- exsyscur.3alleg4
- Hardware accelerated mouse cursors. allegro game programming library.
- extimer.3alleg4
- Using the timer (delays and interrupts). allegro game programming library.
- extract_font_range.3alleg4
- Extracts a range of characters from a font. allegro game programming library.
- extrans.3alleg4
- Lighting and translucency effects. allegro game programming library.
- extrans2.3alleg4
- Drawing flipped, translucent and tinted sprites. allegro game programming library.
- extruec.3alleg4
- Truecolor pixel format conversions. allegro game programming library.
- exunicod.3alleg4
- Using unicode string functions. allegro game programming library.
- exupdate.3alleg4
- Supporting different screen update methods in a single program. allegro game programming library.
- exxfade.3alleg4
- Truecolor image loading and fades. allegro game programming library.
- exzbuf.3alleg4
- Z-buffered polygons demo. allegro game programming library.
- fade_from.3alleg4
- Gradually fades the palette between two others. allegro game programming library.
- fade_from_range.3alleg4
- Gradually fades a part of the palette between two others. allegro game programming library.
- fade_in.3alleg4
- Gradually fades the palette from black. allegro game programming library.
- fade_in_range.3alleg4
- Gradually fades a part of the palette from black. allegro game programming library.
- fade_interpolate.3alleg4
- Calculates a new palette interpolated between two others. allegro game programming library.
- fade_out.3alleg4
- Gradually fades the palette to black. allegro game programming library.
- fade_out_range.3alleg4
- Gradually fades a part of the palette to black. allegro game programming library.
- fastline.3alleg4
- Faster version of line(). allegro game programming library.
- file_exists.3alleg4
- Tells if a file exists. allegro game programming library.
- file_select_ex.3alleg4
- Displays the allegro file selector with a caption.
- file_size_ex.3alleg4
- Returns the size of a file in bytes. allegro game programming library.
- file_time.3alleg4
- Returns the modification time of a file. allegro game programming library.
- find_allegro_resource.3alleg4
- Searches for a support file in many places. allegro game programming library.
- find_datafile_object.3alleg4
- Searches a datafile for an object with a name. allegro game programming library.
- find_dialog_focus.3alleg4
- Searches the dialog for the object which has the input focus. allegro game programming library.
- fix_filename_case.3alleg4
- Converts a filename to a standardised case. allegro game programming library.
- fix_filename_slashes.3alleg4
- Converts all the directory separators to a standard character. allegro game programming library.
- fixacos.3alleg4
- Fixed point inverse cosine lookup table. allegro game programming library.
- fixadd.3alleg4
- Safe function to add fixed point numbers clamping overflow. allegro game programming library.
- fixasin.3alleg4
- Fixed point inverse sine lookup table. allegro game programming library.
- fixatan.3alleg4
- Fixed point inverse tangent lookup table. allegro game programming library.
- fixatan2.3alleg4
- Fixed point version of the libc atan2() routine. allegro game programming library.
- fixceil.3alleg4
- Returns the smallest integer not less than x. allegro game programming library.
- fixcos.3alleg4
- Fixed point cosine of binary angles. allegro game programming library.
- fixdiv.3alleg4
- Fixed point division. allegro game programming library.
- fixed.3alleg4
- Fixed point integer to replace floats. allegro game programming library.
- fixfloor.3alleg4
- Returns the greatest integer not greater than x. allegro game programming library.
- fixhypot.3alleg4
- Fixed point hypotenuse. allegro game programming library.
- fixmul.3alleg4
- Multiplies two fixed point values together. allegro game programming library.
- fixsin.3alleg4
- Fixed point sine of binary angles. allegro game programming library.
- fixsqrt.3alleg4
- Fixed point square root. allegro game programming library.
- fixsub.3alleg4
- Safe function to subtract fixed point numbers clamping underflow. allegro game programming library.
- fixtan.3alleg4
- Fixed point tangent of binary angles. allegro game programming library.
- fixtof.3alleg4
- Converts a fixed point to floating point. allegro game programming library.
- fixtoi.3alleg4
- Converts a fixed point to integer with rounding. allegro game programming library.
- fixtorad_r.3alleg4
- Constant to convert angles in fixed point format to radians. allegro game programming library.
- fixup_datafile.3alleg4
- Fixes truecolor images in compiled datafiles. allegro game programming library.
- fli_bitmap.3alleg4
- Contains the current frame of the animation. allegro game programming library.
- fli_bmp_dirty_from.3alleg4
- Indicate which parts of the image have changed. allegro game programming library.
- fli_bmp_dirty_to.3alleg4
- Indicate which parts of the image have changed. allegro game programming library.
- fli_frame.3alleg4
- Stores the current frame number of the animation. allegro game programming library.
- fli_pal_dirty_from.3alleg4
- Indicate which parts of the palette have changed. allegro game programming library.
- fli_pal_dirty_to.3alleg4
- Indicate which parts of the palette have changed. allegro game programming library.
- fli_palette.3alleg4
- Contains the current palette of the animation. allegro game programming library.
- fli_timer.3alleg4
- Global variable for timing fli playback. allegro game programming library.
- floodfill.3alleg4
- Floodfills an enclosed area. allegro game programming library.
- flush_config_file.3alleg4
- Flushes the current config file to disk. allegro game programming library.
- font.3alleg4
- A simple 8x8 fixed size font. allegro game programming library.
- font_has_alpha.3alleg4
- Search all pixels of a font for alpha values. allegro game programming library.
- for_each_file_ex.3alleg4
- Executes callback() for each file matching a wildcard. allegro game programming library.
- free_audio_stream_buffer.3alleg4
- Tells the audio stream player new data can be played. allegro game programming library.
- free_config_entries.3alleg4
- Frees memory allocated for config entry lists. allegro game programming library.
- free_lzss_pack_data.3alleg4
- Frees an lzss structure. allegro game programming library.
- free_lzss_unpack_data.3alleg4
- Frees an lzss structure. allegro game programming library.
- freeze_mouse_flag.3alleg4
- Flag to avoid redrawing the mouse pointer. allegro game programming library.
- ftofix.3alleg4
- Converts a floating point value to fixed point. allegro game programming library.
- generate_332_palette.3alleg4
- Constructs a fake truecolor palette. allegro game programming library.
- generate_optimized_palette.3alleg4
- Generates an optimized palette for a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- get_align_matrix.3alleg4
- Rotates a matrix to align it along specified coordinate vectors. allegro game programming library.
- get_align_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Floating point version of get_align_matrix(). allegro game programming library.
- get_audio_stream_buffer.3alleg4
- Tells you if you need to fill the audiostream or not. allegro game programming library.
- get_camera_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs a camera matrix for perspective projection. allegro game programming library.
- get_camera_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Floating point version of get_camera_matrix(). allegro game programming library.
- get_clip_rect.3alleg4
- Returns the clipping rectangle of a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- get_clip_state.3alleg4
- Tells if clipping is on for a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- get_color.3alleg4
- Retrieves the specified palette entry. allegro game programming library.
- get_color_conversion.3alleg4
- Returns the current color conversion mode. allegro game programming library.
- get_color_depth.3alleg4
- Returns the current pixel color depth. allegro game programming library.
- get_compiled_sprite.3alleg4
- Creates a compiled sprite using a bitmap as source. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_argv.3alleg4
- Reads a token list from the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_float.3alleg4
- Retrieves a float from the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_hex.3alleg4
- Retrieves a hexadecimal value from the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_id.3alleg4
- Retrieves a driver id from a configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_int.3alleg4
- Retrieves an integer from the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_string.3alleg4
- Retrieves a string from the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- get_config_text.3alleg4
- Returns a string translated to the current language. allegro game programming library.
- get_datafile_property.3alleg4
- Returns the property string for the object. allegro game programming library.
- get_desktop_resolution.3alleg4
- Finds out the desktop resolution. allegro game programming library.
- get_display_switch_mode.3alleg4
- Returns the current display switching mode. allegro game programming library.
- get_executable_name.3alleg4
- Obtains the full path to the current executable. allegro game programming library.
- get_extension.3alleg4
- Returns a pointer to the extension of a filename. allegro game programming library.
- get_filename.3alleg4
- Returns a pointer to the filename portion of a path. allegro game programming library.
- get_filename_encoding.3alleg4
- Returns the encoding currently assumed for filenames. allegro game programming library.
- get_font_range_begin.3alleg4
- Returns the start of a character range in a font. allegro game programming library.
- get_font_range_end.3alleg4
- Returns the last character of a character range in a font. allegro game programming library.
- get_font_ranges.3alleg4
- Returns the number of character ranges in a font. allegro game programming library.
- get_gfx_mode.3alleg4
- Returns the id of the current graphics driver. allegro game programming library.
- get_gfx_mode_list.3alleg4
- Obtains a list of available video modes. allegro game programming library.
- get_gfx_mode_type.3alleg4
- Retrieves type information for a specific graphics card. allegro game programming library.
- get_hardware_volume.3alleg4
- Retrieves the hardware sound output volume. allegro game programming library.
- get_midi_length.3alleg4
- Determines the total playing time of a midi, in seconds. allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_bits.3alleg4
- Returns the mixer bit depth (8 or 16). allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_buffer_length.3alleg4
- Returns the number of samples per channel in the mixer buffer. allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_channels.3alleg4
- Returns the number of output channels. allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_frequency.3alleg4
- Returns the mixer frequency, in hz. allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_quality.3alleg4
- Returns the current mixing quality. allegro game programming library.
- get_mixer_voices.3alleg4
- Returns the number of voices allocated to the mixer. allegro game programming library.
- get_mouse_mickeys.3alleg4
- How far the mouse has moved since the last call to this function. allegro game programming library.
- get_palette.3alleg4
- Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors. allegro game programming library.
- get_palette_range.3alleg4
- Retrieves a specific palette range. allegro game programming library.
- get_refresh_rate.3alleg4
- Returns the current refresh rate. allegro game programming library.
- get_rle_sprite.3alleg4
- Creates an rle sprite using a bitmap as source. allegro game programming library.
- get_rotation_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs x, y, z rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_rotation_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Constructs x, y, z rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_rotation_quat.3alleg4
- Constructs a quaternion to rotate points around all three axes. allegro game programming library.
- get_scaling_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs a scaling matrix. allegro game programming library.
- get_scaling_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Constructs a scaling matrix. allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_bits.3alleg4
- Checks which audio input sample formats are supported. allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_parm.3alleg4
- Detects if the specified recording parameters are supported. allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_rate.3alleg4
- Returns the maximum sample frequency for recording. allegro game programming library.
- get_sound_input_cap_stereo.3alleg4
- Tells if the input driver is capable of stereo recording. allegro game programming library.
- get_transformation_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs x, y, z rotation matrices with an angle and scaling. allegro game programming library.
- get_transformation_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Floating point version of get_transformation_matrix(). allegro game programming library.
- get_translation_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs a translation matrix. allegro game programming library.
- get_translation_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Constructs a translation matrix. allegro game programming library.
- get_uformat.3alleg4
- Finds out what text encoding format is currently selected. allegro game programming library.
- get_vector_rotation_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs x, y, z rotation matrices with an angle. allegro game programming library.
- get_vector_rotation_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Constructs x, y, z rotation matrices with an angle. allegro game programming library.
- get_vector_rotation_quat.3alleg4
- Constructs a quaternion to rotate points around a vector. allegro game programming library.
- get_volume.3alleg4
- Retrieves the global sound output volume. allegro game programming library.
- get_x_rotate_matrix.3alleg4
- Construct x axis rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_x_rotate_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Construct x axis rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_x_rotate_quat.3alleg4
- Construct axis rotation quaternions. allegro game programming library.
- get_y_rotate_matrix.3alleg4
- Construct y axis rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_y_rotate_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Construct y axis rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_y_rotate_quat.3alleg4
- Construct axis rotation quaternions. allegro game programming library.
- get_z_rotate_matrix.3alleg4
- Construct z axis rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_z_rotate_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Construct z axis rotation matrices. allegro game programming library.
- get_z_rotate_quat.3alleg4
- Construct axis rotation quaternions. allegro game programming library.
- geta.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the current pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- geta32.3alleg4
- Extract the alpha component form a 32-bit pixel format color. allegro game programming library.
- geta_depth.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from a color in a specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the current pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb15.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb16.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb24.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb32.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb8.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getb_depth.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from a color in a specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the current pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg15.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg16.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg24.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg32.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg8.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getg_depth.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from a color in a specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getpixel.3alleg4
- Reads a pixel from a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- getr.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the current pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getr15.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getr16.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getr24.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getr32.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getr8.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- getr_depth.3alleg4
- Extract a color component from a color in a specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- gfx_capabilities.3alleg4
- Bitfield describing video hardware capabilities. allegro game programming library.
- gfx_mode_select.3alleg4
- Displays the allegro graphics mode selection dialog.
- gfx_mode_select_ex.3alleg4
- Extended version of the graphics mode selection dialog. allegro game programming library.
- gfx_mode_select_filter.3alleg4
- Even more extended version of the graphics mode selection dialog. allegro game programming library.
- grab_font_from_bitmap.3alleg4
- Grabs a font from a bitmap allegro game programming library.
- gui_bg_color.3alleg4
- The foreground and background colors for the standard dialogs. allegro game programming library.
- gui_button_proc.3alleg4
- Hooks to customise the look and feel of allegro dialogs.
- gui_ctext_proc.3alleg4
- Hooks to customise the look and feel of allegro dialogs.
- gui_edit_proc.3alleg4
- Hooks to customise the look and feel of allegro dialogs.
- gui_fg_color.3alleg4
- The foreground and background colors for the standard dialogs. allegro game programming library.
- gui_font_baseline.3alleg4
- Adjusts the keyboard shortcut underscores height. allegro game programming library.
- gui_get_screen.3alleg4
- Returns the bitmap surface gui routines draw to. allegro game programming library.
- gui_list_proc.3alleg4
- Hooks to customise the look and feel of allegro dialogs.
- gui_menu_draw_menu.3alleg4
- Hooks to modify the appearance of menus. allegro game programming library.
- gui_menu_draw_menu_item.3alleg4
- Hooks to modify the appearance of menus. allegro game programming library.
- gui_mg_color.3alleg4
- The color used for displaying greyed-out dialog objects. allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_b.3alleg4
- Hook functions used by the gui routines to access the mouse state. allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_focus.3alleg4
- Tells if the input focus follows the mouse pointer. allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_x.3alleg4
- Hook functions used by the gui routines to access the mouse state. allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_y.3alleg4
- Hook functions used by the gui routines to access the mouse state. allegro game programming library.
- gui_mouse_z.3alleg4
- Hook functions used by the gui routines to access the mouse state. allegro game programming library.
- gui_set_screen.3alleg4
- Changes the bitmap surface gui routines draw to. allegro game programming library.
- gui_shadow_box_proc.3alleg4
- Hooks to customise the look and feel of allegro dialogs.
- gui_strlen.3alleg4
- Returns the length of a string in pixels. allegro game programming library.
- gui_text_list_proc.3alleg4
- Hooks to customise the look and feel of allegro dialogs.
- gui_textout_ex.3alleg4
- Draws a text string onto the screen with keyboard shortcut underbars. allegro game programming library.
- hline.3alleg4
- Draws a horizontal line onto the bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- hook_config_section.3alleg4
- Hooks a configuration file section with custom handlers. allegro game programming library.
- hsv_to_rgb.3alleg4
- Converts color values between the hsv and rgb color spaces. allegro game programming library.
- identity_matrix.3alleg4
- Global containing the identity matrix. allegro game programming library.
- identity_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Global containing the identity matrix. allegro game programming library.
- identity_quat.3alleg4
- Global variable containing the identity quaternion. allegro game programming library.
- init_dialog.3alleg4
- Low level initialisation of a dialog. allegro game programming library.
- init_menu.3alleg4
- Low level initialisation of a menu. allegro game programming library.
- initialise_joystick.3alleg4
- Deprecated version of install_joystick(). allegro game programming library.
- install_allegro.3alleg4
- Initialise the allegro library.
- install_int.3alleg4
- Installs a user timer handler. allegro game programming library.
- install_int_ex.3alleg4
- Adds or modifies a timer. allegro game programming library.
- install_joystick.3alleg4
- Initialises the joystick. allegro game programming library.
- install_keyboard.3alleg4
- Installs the allegro keyboard interrupt handler.
- install_keyboard_hooks.3alleg4
- Installs custom keyboard hooks. allegro game programming library.
- install_mouse.3alleg4
- Installs the allegro mouse handler.
- install_param_int.3alleg4
- Installs a timer routine with a customizable parameter. allegro game programming library.
- install_param_int_ex.3alleg4
- Adds or modifies a timer with a customizable parameter. allegro game programming library.
- install_sound.3alleg4
- Initialises the sound module. allegro game programming library.
- install_sound_input.3alleg4
- Initialises the sound recorder module. allegro game programming library.
- install_timer.3alleg4
- Installs the allegro timer interrupt handler.
- is_color_font.3alleg4
- Returns true if a font is a color font. allegro game programming library.
- is_compatible_font.3alleg4
- Check if two fonts are of the same type. allegro game programming library.
- is_inside_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a point is inside a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_linear_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is linear. allegro game programming library.
- is_memory_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is a memory bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_mono_font.3alleg4
- Returns true if a font is a monochrome font. allegro game programming library.
- is_planar_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is a planar screen bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_relative_filename.3alleg4
- Returns true if the filename is relative. allegro game programming library.
- is_same_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if two bitmaps describe the same drawing surface. allegro game programming library.
- is_screen_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is the screen bitmap or sub bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_sub_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is a sub bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_system_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is a system bitmap or sub bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_trans_font.3alleg4
- Returns true if a font uses transparency. allegro game programming library.
- is_video_bitmap.3alleg4
- Tells if a bitmap is a screen bitmap, video memory or sub bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- is_windowed_mode.3alleg4
- Tells if you are running in windowed mode. allegro game programming library.
- itofix.3alleg4
- Converts an integer to fixed point. allegro game programming library.
- joy.3alleg4
- Global array of joystick state information. allegro game programming library.
- key.3alleg4
- Array of flags indicating key state. allegro game programming library.
- key_led_flag.3alleg4
- Flag to prevent the keyboard leds from being updated. allegro game programming library.
- key_shifts.3alleg4
- Bitmask containing the current state of modifier keys. allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_callback.3alleg4
- User specified keyboard callback handler. allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_lowlevel_callback.3alleg4
- User specified low level keyboard event handler. allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_needs_poll.3alleg4
- Tells if the keyboard needs polling. allegro game programming library.
- keyboard_ucallback.3alleg4
- User specified unicode keyboard callback handler. allegro game programming library.
- keypressed.3alleg4
- Tells if there are keypresses waiting in the input buffer. allegro game programming library.
- line.3alleg4
- Draws a line onto the bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- list_config_entries.3alleg4
- Lists the names of all entries in a config section allegro game programming library.
- list_config_sections.3alleg4
- Lists the names of all sections available in the current configuration. allegro game programming library.
- load_bios_font.3alleg4
- Loads a 8x8 or 8x16 bios format font. allegro game programming library.
- load_bitmap.3alleg4
- Loads any supported bitmap from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_bitmap_font.3alleg4
- Grabs a font from a bitmap file. allegro game programming library.
- load_bmp.3alleg4
- Loads a bmp bitmap from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_bmp_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of load_bmp. allegro game programming library.
- load_dat_font.3alleg4
- Loads a font from an allegro datafile.
- load_datafile.3alleg4
- Loads a datafile into memory. allegro game programming library.
- load_datafile_callback.3alleg4
- Loads a datafile into memory, calling a hook per object. allegro game programming library.
- load_datafile_object.3alleg4
- Loads a specific object from a datafile. allegro game programming library.
- load_datafile_object_indexed.3alleg4
- Loads a single object from a datafile index. allegro game programming library.
- load_font.3alleg4
- Loads a font from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_grx_font.3alleg4
- Loads a grx format font. allegro game programming library.
- load_grx_or_bios_font.3alleg4
- Loads either a bios or grx format font. allegro game programming library.
- load_ibk.3alleg4
- Reads in a .ibk patch definition file for the adlib driver. allegro game programming library.
- load_joystick_data.3alleg4
- Loads joystick calibration data. allegro game programming library.
- load_lbm.3alleg4
- Loads an lbm bitmap from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_midi.3alleg4
- Loads a midi file. allegro game programming library.
- load_midi_patches.3alleg4
- Forces the midi driver to load a set of patches. allegro game programming library.
- load_pcx.3alleg4
- Loads a pcx bitmap from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_pcx_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of load_pcx. allegro game programming library.
- load_sample.3alleg4
- Loads a sample from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_tga.3alleg4
- Loads a tga bitmap from a file. allegro game programming library.
- load_tga_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of load_tga. allegro game programming library.
- load_txt_font.3alleg4
- Loads a font script. allegro game programming library.
- load_voc.3alleg4
- Loads a sample from a creative labs voc file. allegro game programming library.
- load_voc_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of load_voc. allegro game programming library.
- load_wav.3alleg4
- Loads a sample from a riff wav file. allegro game programming library.
- load_wav_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of load_wav. allegro game programming library.
- lock_bitmap.3alleg4
- Locks the memory used by a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- lock_midi.3alleg4
- Locks all the memory used by a midi file. allegro game programming library.
- lock_sample.3alleg4
- Locks all the memory used by a sample. allegro game programming library.
- lzss_read.3alleg4
- Decompresses data using lzss. allegro game programming library.
- lzss_write.3alleg4
- Compresses data using lzss. allegro game programming library.
- make_absolute_filename.3alleg4
- Makes an absolute filename from a path and relative filename. allegro game programming library.
- make_relative_filename.3alleg4
- Tries to make a relative filename from absolute path and filename. allegro game programming library.
- make_trans_font.3alleg4
- Makes a font use transparency. allegro game programming library.
- makeacol.3alleg4
- Converts rgba colors into display dependent pixel formats. allegro game programming library.
- makeacol32.3alleg4
- Converts an rgba color into a 32-bit display pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makeacol_depth.3alleg4
- Converts rgba colors into display dependent pixel formats. allegro game programming library.
- makecol.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into the current pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makecol15.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into a display dependent pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makecol15_dither.3alleg4
- Calculates a dithered 15 or 16-bit rgb value. allegro game programming library.
- makecol16.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into a display dependent pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makecol16_dither.3alleg4
- Calculates a dithered 15 or 16-bit rgb value. allegro game programming library.
- makecol24.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into a display dependent pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makecol32.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into a display dependent pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makecol8.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into a display dependent pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- makecol_depth.3alleg4
- Converts an rgb value into the specified pixel format. allegro game programming library.
- masked_blit.3alleg4
- Copies a rectangle skipping pixels with the mask color. allegro game programming library.
- masked_stretch_blit.3alleg4
- Scales a rectangular area skipping pixels with the mask color. allegro game programming library.
- matrix_mul.3alleg4
- Multiplies two matrices. allegro game programming library.
- matrix_mul_f.3alleg4
- Multiplies two matrices. allegro game programming library.
- matrix_to_quat.3alleg4
- Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix. allegro game programming library.
- merge_fonts.3alleg4
- Merges two fonts into one font. allegro game programming library.
- midi_loop_end.3alleg4
- Loop start and end points, set by play_looped_midi(). allegro game programming library.
- midi_loop_start.3alleg4
- Loop start and end points, set by play_looped_midi(). allegro game programming library.
- midi_meta_callback.3alleg4
- Hook functions allowing you to intercept midi player events. allegro game programming library.
- midi_msg_callback.3alleg4
- Hook functions allowing you to intercept midi player events. allegro game programming library.
- midi_out.3alleg4
- Streams a block of midi commands into the player. allegro game programming library.
- midi_pause.3alleg4
- Pauses the midi player. allegro game programming library.
- midi_pos.3alleg4
- Stores the current position in the midi file. allegro game programming library.
- midi_recorder.3alleg4
- Hook notifying you when new midi data becomes available. allegro game programming library.
- midi_resume.3alleg4
- Resumes playback of a paused midi file. allegro game programming library.
- midi_seek.3alleg4
- Seeks to the given midi_pos in the current midi file. allegro game programming library.
- midi_sysex_callback.3alleg4
- Hook functions allowing you to intercept midi player events. allegro game programming library.
- midi_time.3alleg4
- The current position in the midi file, in seconds. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_b.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse position/button state. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_callback.3alleg4
- User specified mouse callback. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_needs_poll.3alleg4
- Tells if the mouse driver requires polling. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_on_screen.3alleg4
- Tells you whether the mouse pointer is currently on screen. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_pos.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse position/button state. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_sprite.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse sprite and focus point. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_w.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse position/button state. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_x.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse position/button state. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_x_focus.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse sprite and focus point. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_y.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse position/button state. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_y_focus.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse sprite and focus point. allegro game programming library.
- mouse_z.3alleg4
- Global variable with the mouse position/button state. allegro game programming library.
- need_uconvert.3alleg4
- Tells if a string requires encoding conversion. allegro game programming library.
- next_fli_frame.3alleg4
- Reads the next frame of the current animation file. allegro game programming library.
- normalize_vector.3alleg4
- Converts the vector to a unit vector. allegro game programming library.
- normalize_vector_f.3alleg4
- Converts the vector to a unit vector. allegro game programming library.
- num_joysticks.3alleg4
- Global variable saying how many joysticks there are. allegro game programming library.
- object_message.3alleg4
- Sends a message to an object and returns the answer. allegro game programming library.
- offer_focus.3alleg4
- Offers the input focus to a particular object. allegro game programming library.
- open_fli.3alleg4
- Makes a fli file open and ready for playing. allegro game programming library.
- open_memory_fli.3alleg4
- Makes a fli file open and ready for playing. allegro game programming library.
- os_multitasking.3alleg4
- Indicates if the os is multitasking. allegro game programming library.
- os_revision.3alleg4
- Version of the os currently running. allegro game programming library.
- os_type.3alleg4
- Stores the detected type of the os. allegro game programming library.
- os_version.3alleg4
- Version of the os currently running. allegro game programming library.
- override_config_data.3alleg4
- Specifies a block of data containing config overrides. allegro game programming library.
- override_config_file.3alleg4
- Specifies a file containing config overrides. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fclose.3alleg4
- Closes a stream previously opened. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fclose_chunk.3alleg4
- Closes a previously opened sub-chunk. allegro game programming library.
- pack_feof.3alleg4
- Returns nonzero as soon as you reach the end of the file. allegro game programming library.
- pack_ferror.3alleg4
- Tells if an error occurred during an operation on the stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fgets.3alleg4
- Reads a line from the stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen.3alleg4
- Opens a file according to mode. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen_chunk.3alleg4
- Opens a sub-chunk of a file. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fopen_vtable.3alleg4
- Allegro game programming library.
- pack_fputs.3alleg4
- Writes a string to the stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fread.3alleg4
- Reads n bytes from the stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fseek.3alleg4
- Seeks inside a stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_fwrite.3alleg4
- Writes n bytes to the stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_getc.3alleg4
- Returns the next character from a stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_igetl.3alleg4
- Like pack_getc(), but using 32-bit intel byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_igetw.3alleg4
- Like pack_getc(), but using 16-bit intel byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_iputl.3alleg4
- Like pack_putc(), but using 32-bit intel byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_iputw.3alleg4
- Like pack_putc(), but using 16-bit intel byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_mgetl.3alleg4
- Like pack_getc(), but using 32-bit motorola byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_mgetw.3alleg4
- Like pack_getc(), but using 16-bit motorola byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_mputl.3alleg4
- Like pack_putc(), but using 32-bit motorola byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_mputw.3alleg4
- Like pack_putc(), but using 16-bit motorola byte ordering words. allegro game programming library.
- pack_putc.3alleg4
- Puts a character in the stream. allegro game programming library.
- pack_ungetc.3alleg4
- Moves one single character back to the input buffer. allegro game programming library.
- packfile_password.3alleg4
- Sets the global i/o encryption password. allegro game programming library.
- palette_color.3alleg4
- Maps palette indexes into the current pixel format colors. allegro game programming library.
- persp_project.3alleg4
- Projects a 3d point into 2d screen space. allegro game programming library.
- persp_project_f.3alleg4
- Projects a 3d point into 2d screen space. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite.3alleg4
- Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates and stretches a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip.3alleg4
- Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite.3alleg4
- Rotates a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip.3alleg4
- Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- pivot_sprite_v_flip_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates and flips a sprite around a specified point. allegro game programming library.
- play_audio_stream.3alleg4
- Creates a new audio stream and starts playing it. allegro game programming library.
- play_fli.3alleg4
- Plays a fli or flc animation from disk. allegro game programming library.
- play_looped_midi.3alleg4
- Starts playing a midi file with a user-defined loop position. allegro game programming library.
- play_memory_fli.3alleg4
- Plays a fli or flc animation from memory. allegro game programming library.
- play_midi.3alleg4
- Starts playing the specified midi file. allegro game programming library.
- play_sample.3alleg4
- Plays a sample. allegro game programming library.
- poll_joystick.3alleg4
- Polls the joystick. allegro game programming library.
- poll_keyboard.3alleg4
- Polls the keyboard. allegro game programming library.
- poll_mouse.3alleg4
- Polls the mouse. allegro game programming library.
- poll_scroll.3alleg4
- Checks the status of a scroll request with triple buffering. allegro game programming library.
- polygon.3alleg4
- Draws a filled polygon. allegro game programming library.
- polygon3d.3alleg4
- Draws a 3d polygon onto the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- polygon3d_f.3alleg4
- Draws a 3d polygon onto the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- polygon_z_normal.3alleg4
- Finds the z component of the normal vector to three vertices. allegro game programming library.
- polygon_z_normal_f.3alleg4
- Finds the z component of the normal vector to three vertices. allegro game programming library.
- pop_config_state.3alleg4
- Pops a previously pushed configuration state. allegro game programming library.
- popup_dialog.3alleg4
- Do_dialog() used for popup dialogs. allegro game programming library.
- position_dialog.3alleg4
- Moves an array of dialog objects to the specified position. allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse.3alleg4
- Moves the mouse to the specified screen position. allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse_w.3alleg4
- Sets the horizontal mouse wheel position. allegro game programming library.
- position_mouse_z.3alleg4
- Sets the mouse wheel position global variable. allegro game programming library.
- push_config_state.3alleg4
- Pushes the current configuration state. allegro game programming library.
- put_backslash.3alleg4
- Puts a path separator at the end of a path if needed. allegro game programming library.
- putpixel.3alleg4
- Writes a pixel into a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- qnx_get_window.3alleg4
- Retrieves a handle to the window used by allegro.
- qscale_matrix.3alleg4
- Optimised routine for scaling an already generated matrix. allegro game programming library.
- qscale_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Optimised routine for scaling an already generated matrix. allegro game programming library.
- qtranslate_matrix.3alleg4
- Optimised routine for translating an already generated matrix. allegro game programming library.
- qtranslate_matrix_f.3alleg4
- Optimised routine for translating an already generated matrix. allegro game programming library.
- quad3d.3alleg4
- Draws a 3d quad onto the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- quad3d_f.3alleg4
- Draws a 3d quad onto the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- quat_interpolate.3alleg4
- Constructs a quaternion representing a rotation between from and to. allegro game programming library.
- quat_mul.3alleg4
- Multiplies two quaternions. allegro game programming library.
- quat_slerp.3alleg4
- Version of quat_interpolate() allowing control over the rotation. allegro game programming library.
- quat_to_matrix.3alleg4
- Constructs a rotation matrix from a quaternion. allegro game programming library.
- radtofix_r.3alleg4
- Constant to convert radians to fixed point angles. allegro game programming library.
- read_sound_input.3alleg4
- Retrieves the last recorded audio buffer. allegro game programming library.
- readkey.3alleg4
- Returns the next character from the keyboard buffer. allegro game programming library.
- reallocate_voice.3alleg4
- Switches the sample of an already-allocated voice. allegro game programming library.
- rect.3alleg4
- Draws an outline rectangle. allegro game programming library.
- rectfill.3alleg4
- Draws a solid filled rectangle. allegro game programming library.
- register_assert_handler.3alleg4
- Registers a custom handler for assert failures. allegro game programming library.
- register_bitmap_file_type.3alleg4
- Registers custom bitmap loading/saving functions. allegro game programming library.
- register_datafile_object.3alleg4
- Registers load/destroy functions for custom object types. allegro game programming library.
- register_font_file_type.3alleg4
- Register a new font loading function. allegro game programming library.
- register_sample_file_type.3alleg4
- Registers custom loading/saving sample routines. allegro game programming library.
- register_trace_handler.3alleg4
- Registers a custom handler for trace output. allegro game programming library.
- register_uformat.3alleg4
- Installs handler functions for a new text encoding format. allegro game programming library.
- release_bitmap.3alleg4
- Releases a previously locked bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- release_screen.3alleg4
- Shortcut of release_bitmap(screen); allegro game programming library.
- release_voice.3alleg4
- Releases a sound card voice. allegro game programming library.
- reload_config_texts.3alleg4
- Reloads translated strings returned by get_config_text(). allegro game programming library.
- remove_display_switch_callback.3alleg4
- Removes a switching notification callback. allegro game programming library.
- remove_int.3alleg4
- Removes a timers. allegro game programming library.
- remove_joystick.3alleg4
- Removes the joystick handler. allegro game programming library.
- remove_keyboard.3alleg4
- Removes the allegro keyboard handler.
- remove_mouse.3alleg4
- Removes the mouse handler. allegro game programming library.
- remove_param_int.3alleg4
- Removes a timer with a customizable parameter. allegro game programming library.
- remove_sound.3alleg4
- Cleans up after you are finished with the sound routines. allegro game programming library.
- remove_sound_input.3alleg4
- Cleans up after you are finished with the sound input routines. allegro game programming library.
- remove_timer.3alleg4
- Removes the allegro time handler.
- render_scene.3alleg4
- Renders all the queued scene polygons. allegro game programming library.
- replace_extension.3alleg4
- Replaces filename+extension with a new extension tail. allegro game programming library.
- replace_filename.3alleg4
- Replaces path+filename with a new filename tail. allegro game programming library.
- request_refresh_rate.3alleg4
- Requests a specific refresh rate during graphic mode switch. allegro game programming library.
- request_scroll.3alleg4
- Queues a hardware scroll request with triple buffering. allegro game programming library.
- request_video_bitmap.3alleg4
- Triple buffering page flip request. allegro game programming library.
- reserve_voices.3alleg4
- Reserve a number of voices for the digital and midi drivers. allegro game programming library.
- reset_fli_variables.3alleg4
- Resets the bitmap and palette dirty global variables. allegro game programming library.
- rest.3alleg4
- Waits a specified number of milliseconds or yields cpu. allegro game programming library.
- rest_callback.3alleg4
- Like rest(), but calls the callback during the wait. allegro game programming library.
- retrace_count.3alleg4
- Retrace count simulator. allegro game programming library.
- rgb_map.3alleg4
- Look up table to speed up reducing rgb values to palette colors. allegro game programming library.
- rgb_to_hsv.3alleg4
- Converts color values between the hsv and rgb color spaces. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite.3alleg4
- Rotates and stretches a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates and stretches a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates and stretches a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip.3alleg4
- Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_scaled_sprite_v_flip_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates, stretches and flips a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite.3alleg4
- Rotates a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_v_flip.3alleg4
- Rotates and flips a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_v_flip_lit.3alleg4
- Rotates and flips a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- rotate_sprite_v_flip_trans.3alleg4
- Rotates and flips a sprite. allegro game programming library.
- save_bitmap.3alleg4
- Saves a bitmap into any supported file format. allegro game programming library.
- save_bmp.3alleg4
- Saves a bitmap into a bmp file. allegro game programming library.
- save_bmp_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of save_bmp. allegro game programming library.
- save_joystick_data.3alleg4
- Saves joystick calibration data. allegro game programming library.
- save_pcx.3alleg4
- Saves a bitmap into a pcx file. allegro game programming library.
- save_pcx_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of save_pcx. allegro game programming library.
- save_sample.3alleg4
- Writes a sample into a file. allegro game programming library.
- save_tga.3alleg4
- Saves a bitmap into a tga file. allegro game programming library.
- save_tga_pf.3alleg4
- Packfile version of save_tga. allegro game programming library.
- scancode_to_ascii.3alleg4
- Converts a scancode to an ascii character. allegro game programming library.
- scancode_to_name.3alleg4
- Converts a scancode to a key name. allegro game programming library.
- scare_mouse.3alleg4
- Helper for hiding the mouse pointer before drawing. allegro game programming library.
- scare_mouse_area.3alleg4
- Helper for hiding the mouse cursor before drawing in an area. allegro game programming library.
- scene_gap.3alleg4
- Number controlling the scene z-sorting algorithm behaviour. allegro game programming library.
- scene_polygon3d.3alleg4
- Puts a polygon in the scene rendering list. allegro game programming library.
- scene_polygon3d_f.3alleg4
- Puts a polygon in the scene rendering list. allegro game programming library.
- screen.3alleg4
- Global pointer to the screen hardware video memory. allegro game programming library.
- scroll_screen.3alleg4
- Requests a hardware scroll request. allegro game programming library.
- select_mouse_cursor.3alleg4
- Tells allegro to select software or hardware cursor drawing.
- select_palette.3alleg4
- Sets the internal palette for color conversion. allegro game programming library.
- set_add_blender.3alleg4
- Enables an additive blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_allegro_resource_path.3alleg4
- Sets a specific resource search path. allegro game programming library.
- set_alpha_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a special alpha-channel blending mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_blender_mode.3alleg4
- Specifies a custom set of truecolor blender routines. allegro game programming library.
- set_blender_mode_ex.3alleg4
- An even more complex version of set_blender_mode(). allegro game programming library.
- set_burn_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a burn blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_clip_rect.3alleg4
- Sets the clipping rectangle of a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- set_clip_state.3alleg4
- Turns on or off the clipping of a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- set_close_button_callback.3alleg4
- Handles the user clicking on the close button of the window. allegro game programming library.
- set_color.3alleg4
- Sets the specified palette entry to the specified rgb triplet. allegro game programming library.
- set_color_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a color blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_color_conversion.3alleg4
- Tells allegro how to convert images during loading time.
- set_color_depth.3alleg4
- Sets the global pixel color depth. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_data.3alleg4
- Sets a block of configuration data. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_file.3alleg4
- Sets the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_float.3alleg4
- Writes a float in the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_hex.3alleg4
- Writes a hexadecimal integer in the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_id.3alleg4
- Writes a driver id in the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_int.3alleg4
- Writes an integer in the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- set_config_string.3alleg4
- Writes a string in the configuration file. allegro game programming library.
- set_dialog_color.3alleg4
- Sets the colors of an array of dialog objects. allegro game programming library.
- set_difference_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a difference blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_display_switch_callback.3alleg4
- Installs a switching notification callback. allegro game programming library.
- set_display_switch_mode.3alleg4
- Tells allegro how the program handles background switching.
- set_dissolve_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a dissolve blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_dodge_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a dodge blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_filename_encoding.3alleg4
- Sets the encoding to use for filenames. allegro game programming library.
- set_gfx_mode.3alleg4
- Sets a graphic video mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_hardware_volume.3alleg4
- Alters the hardware sound output volume. allegro game programming library.
- set_hue_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a hue blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_invert_blender.3alleg4
- Enables an invert blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_keyboard_rate.3alleg4
- Sets the keyboard repeat rate. allegro game programming library.
- set_leds.3alleg4
- Sets the state of the keyboard led indicators. allegro game programming library.
- set_luminance_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a luminance blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_mixer_quality.3alleg4
- Sets the resampling quality of the mixer. allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_cursor_bitmap.3alleg4
- Changes the image allegro uses for mouse cursors.
- set_mouse_range.3alleg4
- Sets the area of the screen restricting mouse movement. allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_speed.3alleg4
- Sets the mouse speed. allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_sprite.3alleg4
- Sets the mouse sprite. allegro game programming library.
- set_mouse_sprite_focus.3alleg4
- Sets the mouse sprite focus. allegro game programming library.
- set_multiply_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a multiply blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_palette.3alleg4
- Sets the entire palette of 256 colors. allegro game programming library.
- set_palette_range.3alleg4
- Sets a specific range of the palette. allegro game programming library.
- set_projection_viewport.3alleg4
- Sets the viewport used to scale the output of persp_project(). allegro game programming library.
- set_saturation_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a saturation blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_screen_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a screen blender mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_sound_input_source.3alleg4
- Selects the audio input source. allegro game programming library.
- set_trans_blender.3alleg4
- Enables a truecolor blender. allegro game programming library.
- set_ucodepage.3alleg4
- Sets 8-bit to unicode conversion tables. allegro game programming library.
- set_uformat.3alleg4
- Set the global current text encoding format. allegro game programming library.
- set_volume.3alleg4
- Alters the global sound output volume. allegro game programming library.
- set_volume_per_voice.3alleg4
- Sets the volume of a voice. allegro game programming library.
- set_window_title.3alleg4
- Sets the window title of the allegro program.
- set_write_alpha_blender.3alleg4
- Enables the special alpha-channel editing mode. allegro game programming library.
- set_zbuffer.3alleg4
- Makes the given z-buffer the active one. allegro game programming library.
- show_mouse.3alleg4
- Tells allegro to display a mouse pointer on the screen.
- show_os_cursor.3alleg4
- Low level function to display the operating system cursor. allegro game programming library.
- show_video_bitmap.3alleg4
- Flips the hardware screen to use the specified page. allegro game programming library.
- shutdown_dialog.3alleg4
- Destroys a dialog player returned by init_dialog(). allegro game programming library.
- shutdown_menu.3alleg4
- Destroys a menu player object returned by init_menu(). allegro game programming library.
- simulate_keypress.3alleg4
- Stuffs a key into the keyboard buffer. allegro game programming library.
- simulate_ukeypress.3alleg4
- Stuffs an unicode key into the keyboard buffer. allegro game programming library.
- solid_mode.3alleg4
- Shortcut for selecting solid drawing mode. allegro game programming library.
- spline.3alleg4
- Draws a bezier spline using four control points. allegro game programming library.
- start_sound_input.3alleg4
- Starts recording in the specified format. allegro game programming library.
- stop_audio_stream.3alleg4
- Destroys an audio stream when it is no longer required. allegro game programming library.
- stop_midi.3alleg4
- Stops whatever music is currently playing. allegro game programming library.
- stop_sample.3alleg4
- Stops a sample from playing. allegro game programming library.
- stop_sound_input.3alleg4
- Stops audio recording. allegro game programming library.
- stretch_blit.3alleg4
- Scales a rectangular area from one bitmap to another. allegro game programming library.
- stretch_sprite.3alleg4
- Stretches a sprite to the destination bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- text_height.3alleg4
- Returns the height of a font in pixels. allegro game programming library.
- text_length.3alleg4
- Returns the length of a string in pixels. allegro game programming library.
- textout_centre_ex.3alleg4
- Writes a centered string on a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- textout_ex.3alleg4
- Writes a string on a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- textout_justify_ex.3alleg4
- Draws justified text within a region. allegro game programming library.
- textout_right_ex.3alleg4
- Writes a right aligned string on a bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_centre_ex.3alleg4
- Formatted centered output of a string. allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_ex.3alleg4
- Formatted output of a string. allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_justify_ex.3alleg4
- Formatted justified output of a string. allegro game programming library.
- textprintf_right_ex.3alleg4
- Formatted right aligned output of a string. allegro game programming library.
- three_finger_flag.3alleg4
- Flag to deactivate the emergency exit key combination. allegro game programming library.
- transpose_font.3alleg4
- Transposes all characters in a font. allegro game programming library.
- triangle.3alleg4
- Draws a filled triangle. allegro game programming library.
- triangle3d.3alleg4
- Draws a 3d triangle onto the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- triangle3d_f.3alleg4
- Draws a 3d triangle onto the specified bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- uatof.3alleg4
- Converts a string into a double. allegro game programming library.
- uconvert.3alleg4
- High level string encoding conversion wrapper. allegro game programming library.
- uconvert_ascii.3alleg4
- Converts string from ascii into the current format. allegro game programming library.
- uconvert_size.3alleg4
- Number of bytes needed to store a string after conversion. allegro game programming library.
- uconvert_toascii.3alleg4
- Converts strings from the current format into ascii. allegro game programming library.
- ucwidth.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for testing unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- ugetat.3alleg4
- Finds out the value of a character in a string. allegro game programming library.
- ugetc.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for reading unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- ugetx.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for reading unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- ugetxc.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for reading unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- uinsert.3alleg4
- Inserts a character in a string. allegro game programming library.
- uisdigit.3alleg4
- Tells if a character is a digit. allegro game programming library.
- uisok.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for testing unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- uisspace.3alleg4
- Tells if a character is whitespace. allegro game programming library.
- unload_datafile.3alleg4
- Frees all the objects in a datafile. allegro game programming library.
- unload_datafile_object.3alleg4
- Frees an object previously loaded by load_datafile_object(). allegro game programming library.
- unscare_mouse.3alleg4
- Undoes the effect of scare_mouse() or scare_mouse_area(). allegro game programming library.
- unselect_palette.3alleg4
- Restores the palette before last call to select_palette(). allegro game programming library.
- uoffset.3alleg4
- Finds the offset of a character in a string. allegro game programming library.
- update_dialog.3alleg4
- Low level function to update a dialog player. allegro game programming library.
- update_menu.3alleg4
- Low level function to update a menu player. allegro game programming library.
- ureadkey.3alleg4
- Returns the next unicode character from the keyboard buffer. allegro game programming library.
- uremove.3alleg4
- Removes a character from a string. allegro game programming library.
- usetat.3alleg4
- Replaces a character in a string. allegro game programming library.
- usetc.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for writing unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- usprintf.3alleg4
- Writes formatted data into a buffer. allegro game programming library.
- ustrcat.3alleg4
- Concatenates a string to another one. allegro game programming library.
- ustrchr.3alleg4
- Finds the first occurrence of a character in a string. allegro game programming library.
- ustrcmp.3alleg4
- Compares two strings. allegro game programming library.
- ustrcpy.3alleg4
- Copies a string into another one. allegro game programming library.
- ustrdup.3alleg4
- Duplicates a string. allegro game programming library.
- ustrerror.3alleg4
- Returns a string describing errno. allegro game programming library.
- ustricmp.3alleg4
- Compares two strings ignoring case. allegro game programming library.
- ustrlen.3alleg4
- Tells the number of characters in a string. allegro game programming library.
- ustrlwr.3alleg4
- Replaces all letters with lower case. allegro game programming library.
- ustrncat.3alleg4
- Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- ustrncmp.3alleg4
- Compares up to n letters of two strings. allegro game programming library.
- ustrncpy.3alleg4
- Copies a string into another one, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- ustrnicmp.3alleg4
- Compares up to n letters of two strings ignoring case. allegro game programming library.
- ustrpbrk.3alleg4
- Finds the first character that matches any in a set. allegro game programming library.
- ustrrchr.3alleg4
- Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string. allegro game programming library.
- ustrsize.3alleg4
- Size of the string in bytes without null terminator. allegro game programming library.
- ustrsizez.3alleg4
- Size of the string in bytes including null terminator. allegro game programming library.
- ustrstr.3alleg4
- Finds the first occurrence of a string in another one. allegro game programming library.
- ustrtod.3alleg4
- Converts a string into a floating point number. allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok.3alleg4
- Retrieves tokens from a string. allegro game programming library.
- ustrtok_r.3alleg4
- Reentrant function to retrieve tokens from a string. allegro game programming library.
- ustrtol.3alleg4
- Converts a string into an integer. allegro game programming library.
- ustrupr.3alleg4
- Replaces all letters with upper case. allegro game programming library.
- ustrzcat.3alleg4
- Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- ustrzcpy.3alleg4
- Copies a string into another one, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- ustrzncat.3alleg4
- Concatenates a string to another one, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- ustrzncpy.3alleg4
- Copies a string into another one, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- uszprintf.3alleg4
- Writes formatted data into a buffer, specifying size. allegro game programming library.
- utolower.3alleg4
- Converts a letter to lower case. allegro game programming library.
- utoupper.3alleg4
- Converts a letter to upper case. allegro game programming library.
- uvsprintf.3alleg4
- Writes formatted data into a buffer, using variable arguments. allegro game programming library.
- uvszprintf.3alleg4
- Writes formatted data into a buffer, using size and variable arguments. allegro game programming library.
- uwidth.3alleg4
- Low level helper function for testing unicode text data. allegro game programming library.
- uwidth_max.3alleg4
- Number of bytes a character can occupy. allegro game programming library.
- vector_length.3alleg4
- Calculates the length of a vector. allegro game programming library.
- vector_length_f.3alleg4
- Calculates the length of a vector. allegro game programming library.
- vline.3alleg4
- Draws a vertical line onto the bitmap. allegro game programming library.
- voice_check.3alleg4
- Checks whether a voice is currently allocated. allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_frequency.3alleg4
- Returns the current pitch of the voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_pan.3alleg4
- Returns the current pan position. allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_position.3alleg4
- Returns the current position of a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_get_volume.3alleg4
- Returns the current volume of the voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_ramp_volume.3alleg4
- Starts a volume ramp for a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_echo.3alleg4
- Sets the echo parameters for a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_frequency.3alleg4
- Sets the pitch of the voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_pan.3alleg4
- Sets the pan position. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_playmode.3alleg4
- Adjusts the loop status of the specified voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_position.3alleg4
- Sets the position of a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_priority.3alleg4
- Sets the priority of a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_tremolo.3alleg4
- Sets the tremolo parameters for a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_vibrato.3alleg4
- Sets the vibrato parameters for a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_set_volume.3alleg4
- Sets the volume of the voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_start.3alleg4
- Activates a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop.3alleg4
- Stops a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop_frequency_sweep.3alleg4
- Interrupts a frequency sweep operation. allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop_pan_sweep.3alleg4
- Interrupts a pan sweep operation. allegro game programming library.
- voice_stop_volumeramp.3alleg4
- Interrupts a volume ramp operation. allegro game programming library.
- voice_sweep_frequency.3alleg4
- Starts a frequency sweep for a voice. allegro game programming library.
- voice_sweep_pan.3alleg4
- Starts a pan sweep for a voice. allegro game programming library.
- vsync.3alleg4
- Waits for a vertical retrace to begin. allegro game programming library.
- xor_mode.3alleg4
- Shortcut for toggling xor drawing mode on and off. allegro game programming library.
- xwin_set_window_name.3alleg4
- Specify the window name and group (or class). allegro game programming library.