Installs a user timer handler. allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
int install_int(void (*proc)(), int speed);
Installs a user timer handler, with the speed given as the number of milliseconds between ticks. This is the same thing as install_int_ex(proc, MSEC_TO_TIMER(speed)). If you call this routine without having first installed the timer module, install_timer() will be called automatically. Calling again this routine with the same timer handler as parameter allows you to adjust its speed.
Returns zero on success, or a negative number if there is no room to add a new user timer.
install_timer(3alleg4), remove_int(3alleg4), install_int_ex(3alleg4), install_param_int(3alleg4), exscn3d(3alleg4), exswitch(3alleg4), extimer(3alleg4), exzbuf(3alleg4)