- _usr_local_src_pkg-voip_build-area_libcommoncpp2-1.8.1_inc_.3
- Inc directory reference -
- _usr_local_src_pkg-voip_build-area_libcommoncpp2-1.8.1_inc_cc___.3
- Cc++ directory reference -
- address.h.3
- Network addresses and sockets related classes.
- applog.h.3
- Application logging facilities abstraction.
- buffer.h.3
- Object passing services between threads.
- cmdoptns.h.3
- Command line option parsing interface.
- common.h.3
- Gnu common c++ global header.
- config.h.3
- Config.h -
- counter.h.3
- Generic automatic counter data type template class.
- digest.h.3
- Digest algorithms: checksum, crc and md5.
- exception.h.3
- Gnu common c++ exception model base classes.
- export.h.3
- Export/import definitions for dll's on win32.
- file.h.3
- Files and dynamic loader services.
- functions.h.3
- Functions.h -
- mime.h.3
- Mime document abstractions.
- misc.h.3
- Memory management, configuration keydata objects and string tokenizer.
- missing.h.3
- Substitute functions which may be missing in target platform libc.
- network.h.3
- Network subsystem and device interface related classes.
- numbers.h.3
- Numbers and dates manipulation.
- objcount.h.3
- Template for object which holds self count of instances.
- object.h.3
- Some object manipulation classes for smart pointers, linked lists, etc.
- objlink.h.3
- Template for creating linked list of objects with lookup.
- objmap.h.3
- Template for creating hash indexed objects.
- objsync.h.3
- Template for creating objects that share a global mutex.
- ost.3
- Ost -
- ost_AppLog.3
- Application logger is a class that implements a logger that can be used by applications to save log file somewhere on the system.
- ost_AppLog_Ident.3
- Ident class that represents module name.
- ost_Assoc.3
- This class is used to associate (object) pointers with named strings.
- ost_AtomicCounter.3
- The atomiccounter class offers thread-safe manipulation of an integer counter.
- ost_BaseObject.3
- Baseobject.
- ost_Buffer.3
- The buffer class represents an ipc service that is built upon a buffer of fixed capacity that can be used to transfer objects between one or more producer and consumer threads.
- ost_CRC16Digest.3
- A crc16 collection/compution hash accumulator class.
- ost_CRC32Digest.3
- A crc32 collection/computation hash accumulator class.
- ost_Cancellation.3
- A class to automatically set the thread cancellation mode of a member function.
- ost_ChecksumDigest.3
- A simple checksum digest function.
- ost_CommandOption.3
- Commandoption is the base class for all command line options.
- ost_CommandOptionArg.3
- Class for options with an argument e.g.
- ost_CommandOptionCollect.3
- It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is also exclusive with commandoptionrest.
- ost_CommandOptionNoArg.3
- Commandoption type for flags.
- ost_CommandOptionParse.3
- This is the commandoptionparse interface class.
- ost_CommandOptionRest.3
- It only makes sense to have a single one of these set and it is exclusive with commandoptioncollect.
- ost_CommandOptionWithArg.3
- Derived class of commandoption for options that have a value associated with them.
- ost_Conditional.3
- A conditional variable synchcronization object for one to one and one to many signal and control events between processes.
- ost_Counter.3
- The counter template is used for generic objects which act as automatic counters.
- ost_DCCPSocket.3
- Dccp sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two sockets.
- ost_DSO.3
- The dso dynamic loader class is used to load object files.
- ost_Date.3
- The date class uses a julian date representation of the current year, month, and day.
- ost_DateNumber.3
- A number class that manipulates a string buffer that is also a date.
- ost_Datetime.3
- The datetime class uses a julian date representation of the current year, month, and day and a integer representation of the current time.
- ost_Digest.3
- The digest base class is used for implementing and deriving one way hashing functions.
- ost_Dir.3
- A low level portable directory class.
- ost_DirTree.3
- A generic class to walk a hierarchical directory structure.
- ost_Engine.3
- Engine.
- ost_Event.3
- The event class implements a feature originally found in the win32 api; event notification.
- ost_File.3
- Ost::file -
- ost_File__fcb.3
- Ost::file::_fcb -
- ost_FixedBuffer.3
- A buffer class that holds a known capacity of fixed sized objects defined during creation.
- ost_HEXdump.3
- Produces a dump of a buffer in a hexdump way with its code ascii translation and relative buffer address.
- ost_IPV4Address.3
- The network name and address objects are all derived from a common ipv4address base class.
- ost_IPV4Broadcast.3
- The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for a specific subnet.
- ost_IPV4Cidr.3
- The cidr class is used to support routing tables and validate address policies.
- ost_IPV4Host.3
- This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket.
- ost_IPV4Mask.3
- Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as '') are held in the ipv4mask derived object.
- ost_IPV4Multicast.3
- A specialization of ipv4address that provides address validation for multicast addresses.
- ost_IPV4MulticastValidator.3
- Class for the function object that validates multicast addresses.
- ost_IPV4Validator.3
- Classes derived from ipv4address would require an specific validator to pass to the ipv4address constructor.
- ost_IPV6Address.3
- The network name and address objects are all derived from a common ipv6address base class.
- ost_IPV6Broadcast.3
- The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for a specific subnet.
- ost_IPV6Cidr.3
- The cidr class is used to support routing tables and validate address policies.
- ost_IPV6Host.3
- This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket.
- ost_IPV6Mask.3
- Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as '') are held in the ipv6mask derived object.
- ost_IPV6Multicast.3
- A specialization of ipv6address that provides address validation for multicast addresses.
- ost_IPV6MulticastValidator.3
- Class for the function object that validates multicast addresses.
- ost_IPV6Validator.3
- Classes derived from ipv6address would require an specific validator to pass to the ipv6address constructor.
- ost_IZStream.3
- Ost::izstream -
- ost_Keydata.3
- Keydata objects are used to load and hold 'configuration' data for a given application.
- ost_Keydata_Define.3
- Ost::keydata::define -
- ost_Keydata_Keysym.3
- Ost::keydata::keysym -
- ost_Keydata_Keyval.3
- Ost::keydata::keyval -
- ost_LinkedDouble.3
- Self managed double linked list object chain.
- ost_LinkedSingle.3
- Self managed single linked list object chain.
- ost_Lockfile.3
- This class is used to create a 'named' lock entity that can be used to control access to a resource between multiple processes.
- ost_MD5Digest.3
- A md5 collection/computation accululator class.
- ost_MIMEFormData.3
- This is a document part type for use in submitting multipart form data to a web server.
- ost_MIMEItemPart.3
- This is used to attach an item part to a mime multipart document that is being streamed.
- ost_MIMEMultipart.3
- A container class for multi-part mime document objects which can be streamed to a std::ostream destination.
- ost_MIMEMultipartForm.3
- The multipart form is a mime multipart document specific for the construction and delivery of form data to a web server through a post method.
- ost_MapIndex.3
- The mapindex allows linear access into a maptable, that otherwise could have its elements being retrieved only by key.
- ost_MapObject.3
- The mapobject is a base class which can be used to make a derived class operate on a maptable.
- ost_MapTable.3
- A map table allows for entities to be mapped (hash index) onto it.
- ost_MappedFile.3
- Create and map a disk file into memory.
- ost_MemPager.3
- The memory pager is used to allocate cumulative memory pages for storing object specific 'persistant' data that is presumed to persist during the life of a given derived object.
- ost_MemPagerObject.3
- This class is used to create derived classes which are constructed within a memory pager pool.
- ost_Mutex.3
- The mutex class is used to protect a section of code so that at any given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation.
- ost_MutexCounter.3
- The mutex counter is a counter variable which can safely be incremented or decremented by multiple threads.
- ost_MutexLock.3
- The mutexlock class is used to protect a section of code so that at any given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation.
- ost_NetworkDeviceInfo.3
- Network device information class.
- ost_Number.3
- A number manipulation class.
- ost_OZStream.3
- Ost::ozstream -
- ost_Pointer.3
- Used to create and manage referece counted pointers.
- ost_PosixThread.3
- Ost::posixthread -
- ost_Process.3
- A class for containing portable process related functions that help create portable code.
- ost_RandomFile.3
- The purpose of this class is to define a base class for low level random file access that is portable between win32 and posix systems.
- ost_ReadLock.3
- The readlock class is used to protect a section of code through a threadlock for 'read' access to the member function.
- ost_RefObject.3
- A reference countable object.
- ost_RefPointer.3
- Pointer to reference counted objects.
- ost_Runable.3
- A container for objects that can be queued against a runlist.
- ost_Runlist.3
- A runlist is used to restrict concurrent exection to a limited set of concurrent sessions, much like a semaphore.
- ost_SSLStream.3
- Ost::sslstream -
- ost_SString.3
- Ost::sstring -
- ost_Semaphore.3
- A semaphore is generally used as a synchronization object between multiple threads or to protect a limited and finite resource such as a memory or thread pool.
- ost_SemaphoreLock.3
- The semaphorelock class is used to protect a section of code through a semaphore so that only x instances of the member function may execute concurrently.
- ost_Serial.3
- The serial class is used as the base for all serial i/o services under ape.
- ost_SerialPort.3
- The serial port is an internal class which is attached to and then serviced by a specified serialservice thread.
- ost_SerialService.3
- The serialservice is a thead service object that is meant to service attached serial ports.
- ost_SharedFile.3
- This class defines a database i/o file service that can be shared by multiple processes.
- ost_SharedMemPager.3
- The shared mempager uses a mutex to protect key access methods.
- ost_SimpleTCPStream.3
- Simple tcp stream, to be used with common c++ library.
- ost_Slog.3
- The slog class is used to stream messages to the system's logging facility (syslogd).
- ost_Socket.3
- The socket is used as the base for all internet protocol services under common c++.
- ost_SocketPort.3
- The socket port is an internal class which is attached to and then serviced by a specific socketservice 'object'.
- ost_SocketService.3
- The socketservice is a thread pool object that is meant to service attached socket ports.
- ost_StackPager.3
- The stackpager provides a repository to stash and retrieve working data in last-in-first-out order.
- ost_String.3
- This is a generic and portable string class.
- ost_StringObject.3
- The stringobject class is used to derive subclasses that use the string managed memory pool for all space allocations by overriding new and delete operators.
- ost_StringTokenizer.3
- Splits delimited string into tokens.
- ost_StringTokenizer_NoSuchElementException.3
- Exception thrown, if someone tried to read beyond the end of the tokens.
- ost_StringTokenizer_iterator.3
- The input forward iterator for tokens.
- ost_SysTime.3
- This class is used to access non-reentrant date and time functions in the standard c library.
- ost_TCPSession.3
- The tcp session is used to primarily to represent a client connection that can be managed on a separate thread.
- ost_TCPSocket.3
- Tcp sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two sockets.
- ost_TCPStream.3
- Tcp streams are used to represent tcp client connections to a server by tcp protocol servers for accepting client connections.
- ost_TCPV6Socket.3
- Tcpv6 sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two ipv6 sockets.
- ost_TTYSession.3
- The ttysession aggragates a ttystream and a common c++ thread which is assumed to be the execution context that will be used to perform actual i/o operations.
- ost_Thread.3
- Every thread of execution in an application is created by instantiating an object of a class derived from the thread class.
- ost_ThreadFile.3
- This class defines a database i/o file service that can be shared by multiple threads.
- ost_ThreadKey.3
- This class allows the creation of a thread context unique 'pointer' that can be set and retrieved and can be used to create thread specific data areas for implementing 'thread safe' library routines.
- ost_ThreadLock.3
- The threadlock class impliments a thread rwlock for optimal reader performance on systems which have rwlock support, and reverts to a simple mutex for those that do not.
- ost_ThreadQueue.3
- Somewhat generic queue processing class to establish a producer consumer queue.
- ost_ThreadQueue__data.3
- Ost::threadqueue::_data -
- ost_Time.3
- The time class uses a integer representation of the current time.
- ost_TimerPort.3
- Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed under a 'service thread' such as socketservice.
- ost_TypeManager.3
- This class manages the types for generation of the persistent objects.
- ost_TypeManager_Registration.3
- This manages a registration to the typemanager - attempting to remove problems with the optimisers.
- ost_UDPBroadcast.3
- Representing a udp socket used for subnet broadcasts, this class provides an alternate binding and setpeer() capability for udp sockets.
- ost_UDPDuplex.3
- Udp duplex connections impliment a bi-directional point-to-point udp session between two peer hosts.
- ost_UDPReceive.3
- Representing half of a two-way udp connection, the udp receiver can receive data from another peer host or subnet.
- ost_UDPSocket.3
- Udp sockets implement the tcp sock_dgram udp protocol.
- ost_UDPTransmit.3
- Representing half of a two-way udp connection, the udp transmitter can broadcast data to another selected peer host or to an entire subnet.
- ost_URLStream.3
- A url processing version of tcpstream.
- ost_UnixSession.3
- The unix domain session is used to primarily to represent a client connection that can be managed on a separate thread.
- ost_UnixSocket.3
- Unix domain sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between processes on the same machine.
- ost_WriteLock.3
- The writelock class is used to protect a section of code through a threadlock for 'write' access to the member function.
- ost_XMLRPC.3
- This class impliments a core xmlrpc service without the underlying transports.
- ost_XMLStream.3
- This class impliments a basic xml stream parser that can be used to examine an xml resource thru virtual i/o methods.
- ost_ZNumber.3
- Ost::znumber -
- ost_cistring_char_traits.3
- Ost::cistring_char_traits chart -
- ost_keyMap.3
- Ost::keymap t, s -
- ost_objCounter.3
- Generic template class for creating classes which maintain an active count of the number of instances currently in active use.
- ost_objList.3
- Used to create and manage a single linked list of objects of a common type.
- ost_objMap.3
- Used to create and manage a hash index of objects through a common type.
- ost_objSync.3
- Generic template to create objects of a common base type which share a static mutex so that all instances of the class have a global lock.
- ost_ttystream.3
- A more natural c++ 'ttystream' class for use by non-threaded applications.
- ost_unixstream.3
- A more natural c++ 'unixstream' class for use by non-threaded applications.
- oststring.h.3
- Oststring.h -
- persist.h.3
- Persistence library classes.
- pointer.h.3
- Template for creating reference count managed smart pointers.
- process.h.3
- Process services.
- serial.h.3
- Serial i/o services.
- slog.h.3
- System logging facilities abstraction.
- socket.h.3
- Network addresses and sockets related classes.
- socketport.h.3
- Network service framework and design pattern.
- ssl.h.3
- Ssl.h -
- strchar.h.3
- Common and portable character string related functions.
- string.h.3
- Common c++ generic string class.
- template.h.3
- Gnu common c++ template subsystem.
- thread.h.3
- Synchronization and threading services.
- tokenizer.h.3
- String tokenizer.
- unix.h.3
- Unix domain sockets, streams and sessions.
- url.h.3
- Url streams abstraction.
- xml.h.3
- Xml streams abstraction and rpc services.
- zstream.h.3
- Compressed stream operations.