- d.ask.1grass
- Prompts the user to select a grass data base file from among files displayed in a menu on the graphics monitor.
- d.barscale.1grass
- Displays a barscale on the graphics monitor.
- d.colorlist.1grass
- Output a list of all available display colors with a configurable separator (default is comma).
- d.colortable.1grass
- Displays the color table associated with a raster map layer.
- d.erase.1grass
- Erase the contents of the active display frame with user defined color
- d.extend.1grass
- Sets window region so that all currently displayed raster and vector maps can be shown in a monitor.
- d.font.1grass
- Selects the font in which text will be displayed on the user's graphics monitor.
- d.frame.1grass
- Manages display frames on the user's graphics monitor.
- d.histogram.1grass
- Displays a histogram in the form of a pie or bar chart for a user-specified raster map.
- d.info.1grass
- Display information about the active display monitor
- d.labels.1grass
- Displays text labels (created with v.label) to the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.legend.1grass
- Displays a legend for a raster map in the active frame of the graphics monitor.
- d.linegraph.1grass
- Generates and displays simple line graphs in the active graphics monitor display frame.
- d.m.1grass
- Display manager for grass
- d.measure.1grass
- Measures the lengths and areas of features drawn by the user in the active display frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.monsize.1grass
- Selects/starts specified monitor at specified size
- d.out.png.1grass
- Saves active display monitor to png file in home directory
- d.paint.labels.1grass
- Displays text labels (created with v.label) to the active frame on the graphics monitor.
- d.rast.1grass
- Displays user-specified raster map in the active graphics frame.
- d.rast.edit.1grass
- Interactively edit cell values in a raster map.
- d.rast.num.1grass
- Overlays cell category values on a raster map layer displayed to the graphics monitor.
- d.redraw.1grass
- Redraws the current display frame in the grass monitor
- d.resize.1grass
- Resizes active display monitor
- d.rgb.1grass
- Displays three user-specified raster maps as red, green, and blue overlays in the active graphics frame.
- d.save.1grass
- Creates a list of commands for recreating screen graphics.
- d.split.1grass
- Divides active display into two frames & displays maps/executes commands in each frame.
- d.title.1grass
- Create a title for a raster map in a form suitable for display with d.text.
- d.what.vect.1grass
- Allows the user to interactively query a vector map layer at user-selected locations within the current geographic region.
- d.zoom.1grass
- Allows the user to change the current geographic region settings interactively, with a mouse.
- database.1grass
- None
- databaseintro.1grass
- None
- db.drivers.1grass
- Lists all database drivers.
- display.1grass
- None
- displaydrivers.1grass
- Display drivers display drivers
- full_index.1grass
- None
- g.access.1grass
- Controls access to the current mapset for other users on the system.
- g.dirseps.1grass
- Internal grass utility for converting directory separator characters. converts any directory separator characters in the input string to or from native host format, and writes the changed path to standard output. useful in scripts for windows compatibility.
- g.findetc.1grass
- Searches for grass support files.
- g.message.1grass
- Prints a message, warning, progress info, or fatal error in the grass way. this module should be used in scripts for messages served to user.
- g.setproj.1grass
- Interactively reset the location's projection settings.
- g.version.1grass
- Displays version and copyright information.
- general.1grass
- None
- gm_animate.1grass
- Animation tool (gis.m) animation tool (gis.m)
- grass-ogr.1grass
- Ogr driver ogr driver ogr driver in grass this driver is principally only used by v.external.
- i.ask.1grass
- I.ask full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- i.cca.1grass
- Canonical components analysis (cca) program for image processing.
- i.find.1grass
- I.find full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- i.group.1grass
- Creates, edits, and lists groups and subgroups of imagery data.
- i.his.rgb.1grass
- Transforms raster maps from his (hue-intensity-saturation) color space to rgb (red-green-blue) color space.
- i.ifft.1grass
- Inverse fast fourier transform (ifft) for image processing.
- i.image.mosaic.1grass
- Mosaics up to 4 images and extends colormap; creates map *.mosaic
- i.ortho.photo.1grass
- Menu driver for the photo imagery programs.
- i.photo.elev.1grass
- I.photo.elev full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- i.photo.target.1grass
- I.photo.target full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- i.rgb.his.1grass
- Transforms raster maps from rgb (red-green-blue) color space to his (hue-intensity-saturation) color space.
- i.target.1grass
- Targets an imagery group to a grass location and mapset.
- imagery.1grass
- None
- index.1grass
- None
- misc.1grass
- None
- mkftcap.1grass
- Mkftcap full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- modcats.1grass
- Modcats full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- modcolr.1grass
- Modcolr full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- modhead.1grass
- Modhead full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- modhist.1grass
- Modhist full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- nviz.1grass
- Nviz - visualization and animation tool for grass data
- p.out.vrml.1grass
- Export a raster map to the virtual reality modeling language (vrml)
- postscript.1grass
- None
- projectionintro.1grass
- Projections and spatial transformations projections and spatial transformations
- r.basins.fill.1grass
- Generates watershed subbasins raster map.
- r.bilinear.1grass
- Bilinear interpolation utility for raster map layers.
- r.cats.1grass
- Manages category values and labels associated with user-specified raster map layers.
- r.clump.1grass
- Recategorizes data in a raster map by grouping cells that form physically discrete areas into unique categories.
- r.compress.1grass
- Compresses and decompresses raster maps.
- r.in.aster.1grass
- Georeference, rectify and import terra-aster imagery and relative dem's using gdalwarp.
- r.in.gridatb.1grass
- Imports gridatb.for map file (topmodel) into grass raster map
- r.le.patch.1grass
- Calculates attribute, patch size, core (interior) size, shape, fractal dimension, and perimeter measures for sets of patches in a landscape.
- r.le.pixel.1grass
- Contains a set of measures for attributes, diversity, texture, juxtaposition, and edge.
- r.le.trace.1grass
- Displays the boundary of each r.le patch and shows how the boundary is traced, displays the attribute, size, perimeter and shape indices for each patch and saves the data in an output file.
- r.mapcalculator.1grass
- Calculate new raster map from a r.mapcalc expression.
- r.out.gridatb.1grass
- Exports grass raster map to gridatb.for map file (topmodel)
- r.out.png.1grass
- Export grass raster as non-georeferenced png image.
- r.out.tiff.1grass
- Exports a grass raster map to a 8/24bit tiff image file at the pixel resolution of the currently defined region.
- r.out.vrml.1grass
- Export a raster map to the virtual reality modeling language (vrml)
- r.quant.1grass
- Produces the quantization file for a floating-point map.
- r.random.cells.1grass
- Generates random cell values with spatial dependence.
- r.random.surface.1grass
- Generates random surface(s) with spatial dependence.
- r.resample.1grass
- Grass raster map layer data resampling capability.
- r.ros.1grass
- Generates three, or four raster map layers showing 1) the base (perpendicular) rate of spread (ros), 2) the maximum (forward) ros, 3) the direction of the maximum ros, and optionally 4) the maximum potential spotting distance.
- r.sim.sediment.1grass
- Sediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation using path sampling method (simwe).
- r.spread.1grass
- Simulates elliptically anisotropic spread on a graphics window and generates a raster map of the cumulative time of spread, given raster maps containing the rates of spread (ros), the ros directions and the spread origins. it optionally produces raster maps to contain backlink utm coordinates for tracing spread paths.
- r.spreadpath.1grass
- Recursively traces the least cost path backwards to cells from which the cumulative cost was determined.
- r.sum.1grass
- Sums up the raster cell values.
- r.support.1grass
- Allows creation and/or modification of raster map layer support files.
- r.support.stats.1grass
- Update raster map statistics
- r.surf.gauss.1grass
- Grass module to produce a raster map layer of gaussian deviates whose mean and standard deviation can be expressed by the user. it uses a gaussian random number generator.
- r.surf.idw.1grass
- Surface interpolation utility for raster map.
- r.surf.idw2.1grass
- Surface generation program.
- r.surf.random.1grass
- Produces a raster map of uniform random deviates whose range can be expressed by the user.
- r.thin.1grass
- Thins non-zero cells that denote linear features in a raster map.
- r.transect.1grass
- Outputs raster map layer values lying along user defined transect line(s).
- r.univar.sh.1grass
- Calculates univariate statistics from a grass raster map
- r.watershed.ram.1grass
- R.watershed.ram full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- r.watershed.seg.1grass
- R.watershed.seg full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- r3.in.v5d.1grass
- Imports 3-dimensional vis5d files (i.e. the v5d file with 1 variable and 1 time step).
- r3.info.1grass
- Outputs basic information about a user-specified 3d raster map layer.
- r3.mapcalculator.1grass
- Calculates new grid3d volume from r3.mapcalc expression.
- r3.mask.1grass
- Establishes the current working 3d raster mask.
- r3.null.1grass
- Explicitly create the 3d null-value bitmap file.
- r3.out.v5d.1grass
- Exports grass 3d raster map to 3-dimensional vis5d file.
- r3.timestamp.1grass
- Print/add/remove a timestamp for a 3d raster map
- r3.to.rast.1grass
- Converts 3d raster maps to 2d raster maps
- r3.univar.1grass
- Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null 3d cells of a raster3d map.
- raster.1grass
- None
- raster3D.1grass
- None
- raster3dintro.1grass
- None
- v.build.all.1grass
- Rebuilds topology on all vector maps in the current mapset.
- v.build.polylines.1grass
- Builds polylines from lines or boundaries.
- v.centroids.1grass
- Adds missing centroids to closed boundaries.
- v.db.reconnect.all.1grass
- Reconnects vectors to a new database.
- v.in.dxf.1grass
- Converts files in dxf format to grass vector map format.
- v.in.e00.1grass
- Import e00 file into a vector map.
- v.in.garmin.1grass
- Download waypoints, routes, and tracks from a garmin gps receiver into a vector map.
- v.in.gns.1grass
- Imports us-nga geonet names server (gns) country files into a grass vector points map.
- v.in.region.1grass
- Creates a vector polygon from the current region extent.
- v.kernel.1grass
- Generates a raster density map from vector point data using a moving kernel or optionally generates a vector density map on a vector network.
- v.neighbors.1grass
- Makes each cell value a function of the attribute values assigned to the vector points or centroids around it, and stores new cell values in an output raster map layer.
- v.out.dxf.1grass
- Exports grass vector map layers to dxf file format.
- v.parallel.1grass
- Creates parallel line to input vector lines.
- v.perturb.1grass
- Random location perturbations of grass vector points
- v.qcount.1grass
- Indices for quadrat counts of sites lists.
- v.surf.idw.1grass
- Surface interpolation from vector point data by inverse distance squared weighting.
- v.to.rast3.1grass
- Converts a binary grass vector map (only points) layer into a 3d grass raster map layer.
- v.vect.stats.1grass
- Count points in areas, calculate statistics.
- vector.1grass
- None
- vectorintro.1grass
- Vector data processing vector data processing
- wxGUI.Attribute_Table_Manager.1grass
- Wxgui.attribute_table_manager
- wxGUI.Components.1grass
- Wxgui.components list of wxgui components: 3d viewer attribute table manager cartographic composer graphical modeler ground control points manager vector digitizer $date: 2012-08-20 14:40:31 +0200 (mon, 20 aug 2012) $ full index � 2003-2014 grass development team
- wxGUI.GCP_Manager.1grass
- Wxgui.gcp_manager
- wxGUI.Modeler.1grass
- Wxgui.modeler
- wxGUI.PsMap.1grass
- Wxgui.psmap