Contains a set of measures for attributes, diversity, texture, juxtaposition, and edge.
raster, landscape structure analysis, patch index
r.le.pixel help
r.le.pixel [-euz] map=string [sam=string] [reg=string] [att=string[,string,...]] [div=string[,string,...]] [te1=string] [te2=string[,string,...]] [jux=string[,string,...]] [edg=string[,string,...]] [--verbose] [--quiet]
Output map 'edge' of edges given a '1' in r.le.para/edge file
Output maps 'units_x' with sampling units for each scale x
Output map 'zscores' with standardized scores
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Raster map to be analyzed
Sampling method (choose only 1 method):
w = whole map u = units m = moving window r = regions
Default: w
Name of regions map, only when sam = r; omit otherwise
b1 = mn. pixel att. b2 = s.d. pixel att.
b3 = min. pixel att. b4 = max. pixel att.
Options: b1,b2,b3,b4
d1 = richness d2 = Shannon d3 = dominance d4 = inv. Simpson
Options: d1,d2,d3,d4
Texture method (choose only 1 method):
m1 = 2N-H m2 = 2N-45 m3 = 2N-V m4 = 2N-135 m5 = 4N-HV m6 = 4N-DIAG m7 = 8N
Options: m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7
Texture measures (required if te1 was specified):
t1 = contagion t2 = ang. sec. mom. t3 = inv. diff. mom. t4 = entropy t5 = contrast
Options: t1,t2,t3,t4,t5
Juxtaposition measures (weight file in r.le.para needed):
j1 = mn. juxtaposition j2 = s.d. juxtaposition
Options: j1,j2
e1 = sum of edges e2 = sum of edges by type (need edge file: r.le.para)
Options: e1,e2
The r.le.pixel module contains a set of measures for attributes, diversity, texture, juxtaposition, and edge.
Full instructions can be found in the r.le manual (see "REFERENCES" section below) and the r.le.setup help page.
Baker, W.L. and Y. Cai. 1992. The r.le programs for multiscale analysis of landscape structure using the GRASS geographical information system. Landscape Ecology 7(4):291-302.
The r.le manual: Quantitative analysis of landscape structures (GRASS 5; 2001)
r.le.patch, r.le.setup, r.le.trace
William L. Baker Department of Geography and Recreation University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82071 U.S.A.
Last changed: $Date: 2009-02-04 03:03:33 +0100 (Wed, 04 Feb 2009) $
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