Allows the user to change the current geographic region settings interactively, with a mouse.
display, zoom
d.zoom help
d.zoom [-fphjr] rast=string[,string,...] [vector=string[,string,...]] [zoom=float] [--verbose] [--quiet]
Full menu (zoom + pan) & Quit menu
Pan mode
Handheld mode
Just redraw given maps using default colors
Return to previous zoom
Verbose module output
Quiet module output
Name of raster map
Name of vector map
Magnification: >1.0 zooms in, <1.0 zooms out
Options: 0.001-1000.0
Default: 0.75
d.zoom allows the user to interactively adjust the settings of the current geographic region using a pointing device such as a mouse. Like g.region, d.zoom re-defines the settings of the geographic region. However, d.zoom allows the user to change the current region settings interactively, by either outlining the new region perimeter with a mouse, unzoom or pan the region. The graphics display is updated by the module.
After the user types the command d.zoom a mouse-button menu will appear directing the user.
Additionally the region settings can be modified by running g.region.
Although it is not necessary that the user display a map in the active display frame before running d.zoom, it is helpful to do this for reference. Using parameter -f integrate a pan function, -h facilitates the use for handhelds.
Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
Improvements by Huidae Cho and Markus Neteler
Last changed: $Date: 2011-11-08 10:42:51 +0100 (Tue, 08 Nov 2011) $
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