dreamchess [options]


DreamChess is a user interface for XBoard-compatible chess engines. DreamChess comes with its own simple engine called Dreamer, but you can use stronger engines such as GNU Chess or Crafty.


--help, -h

Show help and exit.

--list-drivers, -l

List all available drivers.

--fullscreen, -f

Enable fullscreen

--width num, -Wnum

Set screen width

--height num, -Hnum

Set screen height

--ui driver, -udriver

Specifies which user interface driver should be used. User interface drivers take care of both display output and user input.

--1st-engine engine, -1engine

Name of first chess engine. Defaults to 'dreamer'.

--verbose level, -vlevel

Sets verbosity level. 0: Silent, 1: Errors only (default), 2: Errors and warnings only, 3: All.