list_members [-o file] [-r] [-d] [-p] [-h] listname


-o file, --output file

Write output to specified file instead of standard out.

-r, --regular

Print just the regular (non-digest) members.

-d [kind], --digest[=kind]

Print just the digest members. Optional argument can be "mime" or "plain" which prints just the digest members receiving that kind of digest.

--nomail[=why], -n [why]

Print the members that have delivery disabled. Optional argument can be "byadmin", "byuser", "bybounce", or "unknown" which prints just the users who have delivery disabled for that reason. It can also be "enabled" which prints just those member for whom delivery is enabled.

-f, --fullnames

Include the full names in the output.

-p, --preserve

Output member addresses case preserved the way they were added to the list. Otherwise, addresses are printed in all lowercase.

-i, --invalid

Print only the addresses in the membership list that are invalid. Ignores -r, -d, -n.

-u, --unicode

Print addresses which are stored as Unicode objects instead of normal string objects. Ignores -r, -d, -n.

-h, --help

Print a small help text and exit

listname is the name of the mailing list to use.


Note that if neither -r or -d is supplied, both regular members are printed first, followed by digest members, but no indication is given as to address status.


Author of Mailman is the Mailman Cabal, see for information. This manpage is written by Tollef Fog Heen <[email protected]> for Debian, but may be used by others.

RELATED TO list_members…

Mailman documentation on and in /usr/share/doc/mailman.