#include <xpa.h>

  XPACmd XPACmdAdd(XPA xpa, char *name, char *help,
                   int (*send_callback)(),
                   void *send_data, char *send_mode,
                   int (*rec_callback)(),
                   void *rec_data,  char *rec_mode);


Add a command to an \s-1XPA\s0 command access point. The \s-1XPA\s0 argument specifies the \s-1XPA\s0 struct returned by a call to XPANewCmd(). The name argument is the name of the command. The other arguments function identically to the arguments in the XPANew() command, i.e., the send_callback and rec_callback routines have identical calling sequences to their XPANew() counterparts, with the exceptions noted below.

When help is requested for a command access point using:

xpaget \-h class:name

all of the command help strings are listed. To get help for a given command, use:

xpaget \-h class:name cmd

Also, the acl keyword in the send_mode and receive_mode strings is global to the access point, not local to the command. Thus, the value for the acl mode should be the same in all send_mode (or receive_mode) strings for each command in a command access point. (The acl for send_mode need not be the same as the acl for receive_mode, though).

RELATED TO xpacmdadd…

See xpa(7) for a list of \s-1XPA\s0 help pages