Documentation is fully in the usage output via "ui-auto-ubs -H". This is just a copy for convenience: Unified build system tool for ui-auto tasks.

This tool autodetects the used build system and unifies a selection of common tasks needed by ui-auto tools.

Usage: ui-auto-ubs [-h|-H] -s -S arg CMD OPT

-h|-H : Get usage help; short (-h) or complete (-H).

Options: -s : Only print the autodetected build system id. -S arg: Set Build System id arbitrarily. Supported: autotools cmake.

Positionals: CMD : UBS command.

           * check_installation : Check whether the build system tools are installed.
           * strap [c|C]        : Strap the build system; c=clean, C=only clean.
           * configure [OPTIONS]: Configure the build system.
              Example: $ ui-auto-ubs configure '--with-foo --disable-bar'
           * build              : Build.
           * check              : Run checks/tests.
           * dist               : Make a distribution.
           * distcheck          : Make a distribution with checks.
           * parse              : Parse package name and version.
           * patch VERSION      : Patch package version.

OPT : Option for UBS command.


Produced automatically by ui-auto on Mon, 18 Aug 2014 17:52:50 +0200.