Usage psi-cd-hit-2d [Options]



in_dbname, required


out_dbname, required


clustering threshold (sequence identity), default 0.3 -ce clustering threshold (blast expect), default -1,

  • it means by default it doesn't use expect threshold, but with positive value, the program cluster seqs if similarities meet either identity threshold or expect threshold


coverage of shorter sequence ( aligned / full), default 0.0


coverage of longer sequence ( aligned / full), default 0.0


(1/0) use psi-blast profile? default 0 perform psi-blast / pdb-blast type search


(1/0) use global identity? default 1 sequence identity calculated as

  • total identical residues of local alignments / length of shorter seq

  • if you prefer to use -G 0, it is suggested that you also use -L, such as -L 0.8, to prevent very short matches.


length of description line in the .clstr file, default 30 if set to 0, it takes the fasta defline and stops at first space


length_of_throw_away_sequences, default 10


profile search para, default

  • "-a 2 -d nr80 -j 3 -F F -e 0.001 -b 500 -v 500" -bfdb profile database, default nr80


blast search para, default

  • "-F F -e 0.000001 -b 100000 -v 100000" -be blast expect cutoff, default 0.000001


filename of list of hosts to run this program in parallel with ssh calls, you need provide a list of hosts -pbs No of jobs to send each time by PBS querying system

  • you can not use both ssh and pbs at same time -k (1/0) keep blast raw output file, default 1 -rs steps of save restart file and clustering output, default 5000

  • everytime after process 5000 sequences, program write a restart file and current clustering information -restart restart file, readin a restart file

  • if program crash, stoped, termitated, you can restart it by add a option "-restart sth.restart" -rf steps of re format blast database, default 200,000

  • if program clustered 200,000 seqs, it remove them from seq pool, and re format blast db to save time -local dir of local blast db,

  • when run in parallel with ssh (not pbs), I can copy blast dbs to local drives on each node to save blast db reading time BUT, IT MAY NOT FASTER


job, job_file, exe specific jobs like parse blast outonly DON'T use it, it is only used by this program itself -single files of ids those you known that they are singletons

  • so I won't run them as queries -i2 second input database -blastn run blastn, default 0 -lo how long can seq in db2 > db1 in a cluster, default 0

  • means, that seq in db2 should <= seqs in db1 in a cluster

  • ============================== by Weizhong Li, [email protected] ==============================

  • If you find cd-hit useful, please kindly cite:

  • "Clustering of highly homologous sequences to reduce thesize of large protein database", Weizhong Li, Lukasz Jaroszewski & Adam GodzikBioinformatics, (2001) 17:282-283 "Cd-hit: a fast program for clustering and comparing large sets of protein or nucleotide sequences", Weizhong Li & Adam Godzik Bioinformatics, (2006) 22:1658-1659