Convert a projecttion file into an image (if) file
pj2if in-proj-file out-if-file [OPTIONS]
pj2if converts in-proj-file, a file of projection data, into image (IF) file out-if-file, which can be further processed for viewing with if2img.
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Kevin Rosenberg, M.D. <>
CTSim was begun in 1983 using MS-DOS and an EGA display adapter. In 1999 it was ported to GNU/Linux and later ported to Microsoft Windows.
ctsim(1) ctsimtext(1) if1(1) if2(1) ifinfo(1) linogram(1) phm2helix(1) phm2if(1) phm2pj(1) pjHinterp(1) pjinfo(1) pjrec(1)