fmtutil [OPTION.\|.\|.] COMMAND

fmtutil-sys [OPTION.\|.\|.] COMMAND


fmtutil is used to create or recreate format and hyphenation files or show information about format files.

COMMAND is one of:


recreate all format files


(re)create formats that depend on the engine enginename


(re)create the format for format formatname


(re)create formats that depend on the hyphenation file hyphenfile


output the content of the config file


disable formatname in config file


no-op in TeX Live


enable formatname in config file


print a summary of commands and options


list (enabled and disabled) configurations, filtered to available formats


create all missing format files


recreate only existing format files


print the name of the hyphenation file for the format formatname


show version info



specify the configuration file fmtutil should use


(not implemented, just for compatibility)


set the destination directory for format files generated by fmtutil to directory


(not implemented, just for compatibility)


don't use engine-specific subdir of the fmtdir


exit successfully if no format is selected


be silent


(not implemented, just for compatibility)



default configuration file


Debian-specific directory for configuration file snippets

RELATED TO mktexfmt…

kpsewhich(1), update-fmtutil(1)


None known, but report any bugs found to <[email protected]> (mailing list).


fmtutil was written by Thomas Esser <[email protected]> and is in the public domain.

This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly <[email protected]>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system and later slightly adapted for the teTeX 3 release.