clingo [options][files]


This manual page documents briefly the clingo command.

clingo stands for clasp on gringo and combines both systems in a monolithic way. Its input language is that of gringo and its output corresponds to that of clasp.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the potassco-guide.

-h, --help

Show summary of options.

-v, --version

Show version of program.

RELATED TO iclingo…

clasp(1), claspD(1), gringo(1), iclingo(1).


clingo was written by Roland Kaminski <[email protected]>

This manual page was written by Thomas Krennwallner <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others).