dbconfig-load-include [-hv] [-a] [-d[varname]] [-u[varname]] [-p[varname]] [-s[varname]] [-P[varname]] [-t[varname]] -f format infile


dbconfig-load-include is a program to parse custom format include files containing the information necessary to connect a program to a database resource. This is primarily intended to be used by the dbconfig-common package to import database settings of packages with pre-existing configurations that have migrated to dbconfig-common. for more information, please see /usr/share/doc/dbconfig-common.



use the given config file as input


use the given output format (default: sh)


include all information in output (default)


include the dbname in the output


include the dbpass in the output


include the dbserver in the output


include the dbport in the output


include the dbuser in the output


include the dbtype in the output


display this helpful message


output the version and exit

format is one of a list of include-file style formats for various programming languages. the current list includes:


/bin/sh style include file


perl parseable include file


php parseable include file


run the file as a script and interpret its output