deal [ -ltv ] [ -e expr ] [ -i condition file ] [ -I format ] [ -s seed ] [ -[NSEW] hand-spec ] [ count ]


deal is a program to generate bridge hands.



Write deals in a "single-line" format.


Print distribution table and exit. The distribution table is an ordered list of all possible hand patterns for a single hand.


Be verbose, print sample count.

-e expr

Evaluate the Tcl expression expr.

-i condition file

File that defines the hand type to generate or the output format. (Can be given multiple times.)

-I format

Read hands from stdin. Formats available are: ddline, giblib, line, pbn, smartstack. You might deal, say, 10,000 hands which satisfy specific criteria, saving them to a file. Then you can use that output for input with deal -I to find out which hands satisfy other constraints.

-s seed

Initialize random generator with seed.

-[NSEW] hand-spec

Specifies the cards held by the specified hand. The hand-spec should be of the form: "AK8532 - KQ72 A65". Voids must be represented with a '-' character. hand-spec should be one argument, so the string should be quoted on the command line.


Number of hands to generate, default is 10.


/usr/share/doc/deal/html, /usr/share/deal.


deal was written by Thomas Andrews <[email protected]>.

This manual page was written by Christoph Berg <[email protected]>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).