The solocation2event class contains information about 2d movement events. location2 events are generated by devices capable of 2d, e.g. pointer devices -- typically computer mice. instances of this class contains information about the position of the pointer on the render area.
#include <Inventor/events/SoLocation2Event.h>
Inherits SoEvent.
virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
SoLocation2Event (void)
virtual ~SoLocation2Event ()
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)
The SoLocation2Event class contains information about 2D movement events.
Location2 events are generated by devices capable of 2D, e.g. pointer devices -- typically computer mice. Instances of this class contains information about the position of the pointer on the render area.
SoLocation2Event does not contain any new information versus its superclass, its sole purpose is to make it possible to specify the type of the event for event object receivers in the scene graph.
See also:
SoEvent, SoMotion3Event
SoEventCallback, SoHandleEventAction
Returns the actual type id of an instantiated object.
Reimplemented from SoEvent.
Initialize the type information data.
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