__gnu_pbds::tree_order_statistics_node_update node_citr, node_itr, cmp_fn, _alloc -
Inherits __gnu_pbds::detail::branch_policy< Node_CItr, Node_Itr, _Alloc >.
typedef _Alloc allocator_type
typedef Cmp_Fn cmp_fn
node_const_iterator::value_type const_iterator"
typedef node_iterator::value_type iterator
base_type::key_const_reference key_const_reference"
typedef base_type::key_type key_type
typedef size_type metadata_type
typedef Node_CItr node_const_iterator
typedef Node_Itr node_iterator
typedef allocator_type::size_type size_type
const_iterator find_by_order (size_type) const
iterator find_by_order (size_type)
size_type order_of_key (key_const_reference) const
void operator() (node_iterator, node_const_iterator) const
typedef Node_Itr::value_type it_type
typedef remove_const< key_type >
::type rckey_type"
typedef remove_const
< value_type >::type rcvalue_type"
typedef _Alloc::template
rebind< rckey_type >::other rebind_k"
typedef _Alloc::template
rebind< rcvalue_type >::other rebind_v"
typedef rebind_v::reference reference
typedef std::iterator_traits
< it_type >::value_type value_type"
virtual it_type end ()=0
it_type end_iterator () const
static key_const_reference extract_key (const_reference r_val)
Functor updating ranks of entrees.
Definition at line 64 of file tree_policy.hpp.
Finds an entry by __order. Returns a const_iterator to the entry with the __order order, or a const_iterator to the container object's end if order is at least the size of the container object.
Definition at line 72 of file tree_policy.hpp.
Finds an entry by __order. Returns an iterator to the entry with the __order order, or an iterator to the container object's end if order is at least the size of the container object.
Definition at line 45 of file tree_policy.hpp.
Updates the rank of a node through a node_iterator node_it; end_nd_it is the end node iterator.
Definition at line 108 of file tree_policy.hpp.
Returns the order of a key within a sequence. For exapmle, if r_key is the smallest key, this method will return 0; if r_key is a key between the smallest and next key, this method will return 1; if r_key is a key larger than the largest key, this method will return the size of r_c.
Definition at line 78 of file tree_policy.hpp.
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