__gnu_pbds::sample_trie_access_traits -
enum { max_size }
typedef _Alloc::template
rebind< key_type > __rebind_k"
typedef std::string::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef char e_type
__rebind_k::other::const_reference key_const_reference"
typedef std::string key_type
typedef std::size_t size_type
static const_iterator begin (key_const_reference)
static size_type e_pos (e_type)
static const_iterator end (key_const_reference)
A sample trie element access traits.
Definition at line 47 of file sample_trie_access_traits.hpp.
Element type.
Definition at line 57 of file sample_trie_access_traits.hpp.
Returns a const_iterator to the first element of r_key.
Maps an element to a position.
Returns a const_iterator to the after-last element of r_key.
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