- sacct.1
- Displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the slurm job accounting log or slurm database
- salloc.1
- Obtain a slurm job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a command, and then release the allocation when the command is finished.
- sattach.1
- Attach to a slurm job step.
- sbatch.1
- Submit a batch script to slurm.
- sbcast.1
- Transmit a file to the nodes allocated to a slurm job.
- scancel.1
- Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of slurm.
- sdiag.1
- Scheduling diagnostic tool for slurm
- sh5util.1
- Tool for merging hdf5 files from the acct_gather_profile plugin that gathers detailed data for jobs running under slurm
- slurm-wlm.1
- Slurm system overview.
- smap.1
- Graphically view information about slurm jobs, partitions, and set configurations parameters.
- sreport.1
- Generate reports from the slurm accounting data.
- srun.1
- Run parallel jobs
- srun_cr.1
- Run parallel jobs with checkpoint/restart support
- sstat.1
- Display various status information of a running job/step.
- acct_gather.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for the acct_gather plugins
- cgroup.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for the cgroup support
- cray.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for the cray-specific information
- ext_sensors.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for the external sensors plugin
- gres.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for generic resource management.
- nonstop.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for fault-tolerant computing.
- slurm.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file
- topology.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for defining the network topology
- wiki.conf.5
- Slurm configuration file for wiki and wiki2 scheduler plugins
- spank.8
- Slurm plug-in architecture for node and job (k)control