- PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary.1
- Encodes an integer value as a binary string
- PGAEncodeIntegerAsGrayCode.1
- Encodes a real value as a binary reflected gray code sequence
- PGAEncodeRealAsBinary.1
- Encodes a real value as a binary string
- PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode.1
- Encodes a real value as a binary reflected gray code sequence
- PGAEvaluate.1
- Calls a user-specified function to return an evaluation of each string in the population.
- PGAFitness.1
- Maps the user's evaluation function value to a fitness value.
- PGAGetBinaryAllele.1
- Returns the value of a (binary) allele in a pga_datatype_binary string
- PGAGetCharacterAllele.1
- Returns the value of character allele in a pga_datatype_character string
- PGAGetEvaluation.1
- Returns the evaluation function value for string p in population pop
- PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag.1
- Returns true/false to indicate whether the evaluate function value is up to date
- PGAGetFitness.1
- Returns the fitness value for a string
- PGAGetFitnessCmaxValue.1
- Returns the value of the multiplier used by pgafitnessmincmax.
- PGAGetFitnessMinType.1
- Returns the type of fitness transformation used for minimization problems.
- PGAGetFitnessType.1
- Returns the type of fitness transformation used.
- PGAGetIntegerAllele.1
- Returns the value of allele i of member p in population pop.
- PGAGetIntegerFromBinary.1
- Interpets a binary string as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
- PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode.1
- Interpets a binary reflected gray code sequence as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
- PGAGetMaxFitnessRank.1
- Returns the maximum value used in rank-based fitness.
- PGAGetRealAllele.1
- Returns the value of real-valued allele i in string p in population pop
- PGAGetRealFromBinary.1
- Interpets a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it represents.
- PGAGetRealFromGrayCode.1
- Interpets a binary reflected gray code sequence in a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it represents.
- PGARank.1
- Returns the rank of a string in a population.
- PGASetBinaryAllele.1
- Sets a binary allele to the specified value.
- PGASetCharacterAllele.1
- Sets the value of an allele in a pga_datatype_character string.
- PGASetEvaluation.1
- Set the evaluation function value for a string to a specified value.
- PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag.1
- Sets the flag associated with a string to pga_true or pga_flase to indicate whether the evaluate function value is out-of-date or not.
- PGASetFitnessCmaxValue.1
- The value of the multiplier used by pgafitnessmincmax so that the worst string has a nonzero fitness.
- PGASetFitnessMinType.1
- Sets the type of algorithm used if a minimization problem is specified to determine how values are remapped for maximization.
- PGASetFitnessType.1
- Set the type of fitness algorithm to use.
- PGASetIntegerAllele.1
- Sets the value of a (integer) allele.
- PGASetMaxFitnessRank.1
- The value of the parameter max when using linear ranking for fitness determination.
- PGASetRealAllele.1
- Sets the value of real-valued allele i in string p in population pop
- PGAGetBinaryInitProb.2
- Returns the probability that an allele will be randomly initialized to "1" in a pga_datatype_binary string.
- PGAGetIntegerInitType.2
- Returns the type of scheme used to randomly initialize strings of data type pga_datatype_integer.
- PGAGetMaxIntegerInitValue.2
- Returns the maximum of the range of integers used to randomly initialize integer strings.
- PGAGetMaxRealInitValue.2
- Returns the maximum value used to randomly initialize allele i in a real string
- PGAGetMinIntegerInitValue.2
- Returns the minimum of the range of integers used to randomly initialize integer strings.
- PGAGetMinRealInitValue.2
- Returns the minimum value used to randomly initialize allele i in a real string
- PGAGetRandomInitFlag.2
- Returns true/false to indicate whether or not alleles are randomly initialized.
- PGAGetRealInitType.2
- Returns the type of scheme used to randomly initialize strings of data type pga_datatype_real.
- PGASetBinaryInitProb.2
- Specify the probability of initializing an allele to "1" when creating a pga_datatype_binary string.
- PGASetCharacterInitType.2
- Sets a flag to specify whether the character strings will be exclusively lowercase, exclusively uppercase, or a mixure of both cases.
- PGASetIntegerInitPermute.2
- Sets a flag to tell the initialization routines to set each integer-valued gene to a random permutation of the values given by an upper and lower bound.
- PGASetIntegerInitRange.2
- Sets a flag to tell the initialization routines to set each integer-valued gene to a value chosen randomly from the interval given by an upper and lower bound.
- PGASetRandomInitFlag.2
- A boolean flag to indicate whether to randomly initialize alleles.
- PGASetRealInitPercent.2
- Sets the upper and lower bounds for randomly initializing real-valued genes.
- PGASetRealInitRange.2
- Sets the upper and lower bounds for randomly initializing real-valued genes.
- PGAClearDebugLevel.3
- Turn off a debul level.
- PGAClearDebugLevelByName.3
- Turn off debugging of the named function.
- PGACrossover.3
- Performs crossover on two parent strings to create two child strings (via side-effect).
- PGADebugPrint.3
- Write debugging information
- PGAGetCrossoverProb.3
- Returns the crossover probability
- PGAGetCrossoverType.3
- Returns the type of crossover selected
- PGAGetMutationBoundedFlag.3
- Returns pga_true or pga_false to indicate whether mutated integer strings remain in the range specified when initialized with pgasetintegerinitrange.
- PGAGetMutationIntegerValue.3
- Returns the value of the multiplier used to mutate pga_datatype_integer strings with.
- PGAGetMutationProb.3
- Returns the probability of mutation.
- PGAGetMutationRealValue.3
- Returns the value of the multiplier used to mutate pga_datatype_real strings with.
- PGAGetMutationType.3
- Returns the type of mutation used
- PGAGetPTournamentProb.3
- Returns the probability of selecting the best string in a probabilistic binary tournament
- PGAGetRestartAlleleChangeProb.3
- Returns the probability with which an allele will be mutated during a restart
- PGAGetRestartFlag.3
- Returns whether the algorithm should employ the restart operator
- PGAGetRestartFrequencyValue.3
- Returns the number of iterations of no change in the best string after which the algorithm should restart
- PGAGetSelectType.3
- Returns the type of selection selected
- PGAGetUniformCrossoverProb.3
- Returns the probability of a bit being selected from the first child string in uniform crossover
- PGAMutate.3
- This routine performs mutation on a string.
- PGARestart.3
- Reseeds a population from the best string
- PGASelect.3
- Performs genetic algorithm selection using either the default selection scheme or that specified with pgasetselecttype().
- PGASelectNextIndex.3
- Returns the index of next individual in internal array that contains the indices determined by pgaselect
- PGASetCrossoverProb.3
- Probability that a selected string will undergo crossover.
- PGASetCrossoverType.3
- Specify the type of crossover to use.
- PGASetDebugLevel.3
- Turn on a debug level.
- PGASetDebugLevelByName.3
- Turn on debugging of the named function.
- PGASetMutationBoundedFlag.3
- If this flag is set to pga_true, then for integer and real strings whenever a gene is mutated, if it underflows (overflows) the lower (upper)bound it is reset to the lower (upper) bound.
- PGASetMutationIntegerValue.3
- Set multiplier to mutate pga_datatype_integer strings with.
- PGASetMutationProb.3
- Specifies the probability that a given allele will be mutated.
- PGASetMutationRealValue.3
- Set multiplier to mutate pga_datatype_real strings with.
- PGASetPTournamentProb.3
- Specifies the probability that the string that wins a binary tournament will be selected.
- PGASetRestartAlleleChangeProb.3
- Specifies the probability with which an allele will be mutated during a restart
- PGASetRestartFlag.3
- Specifies whether the algorithm should employ the restart operator
- PGASetRestartFrequencyValue.3
- Specifies the number of iterations of no change in the best string after which the algorithm should restart
- PGASetSelectType.3
- Specify the type of selection to use.
- PGASetUniformCrossoverProb.3
- Probability used in uniform crossover to specify that an allele value value be selected from a particular parent.
- PGABuildDatatype.4
- Build an mpi datatype for string p in population pop.
- PGAGetCommunicator.4
- Returns the default communicator used when pgarun is called.
- PGAGetNumProcs.4
- Returns the size of communicator comm in processes.
- PGAGetRank.4
- Returns the rank of the processor in communicator comm. if comm is null or a sequential version of pgapack is used, pgagetrank() returns 0.
- PGAReceiveIndividual.4
- Receive an individual from another process
- PGASendIndividual.4
- Transmit an individual to another process
- PGASendReceiveIndividual.4
- Send an individual to a process, while receiving a different individual from a different process.
- PGASetCommunicator.4
- Set the default communicator to use when pgarun is called.
- PGACheckSum.5
- Maps a string to a number to be used a verification check pga_datatype_user is not supported.
- PGAGetBestIndex.5
- Returns the index of the string with the best evaluation function value in population pop
- PGAGetRandomSeed.5
- Returns the integer to seed random numbers with
- PGAGetWorstIndex.5
- Returns the index of the string with the worst evaluation function value in population pop
- PGAHammingDistance.5
- Calculates the mean hamming distance for a population of binary strings.
- PGAMean.5
- Calculates the mean value of an array of elements
- PGARandom01.5
- Generates a uniform random number on the interval [0,1)
- PGARandomFlip.5
- Flip a biased coin and return pga_true if the coin is a "winner."
- PGARandomGaussian.5
- Returns an approximation to a gaussian random number
- PGARandomInterval.5
- Returns a uniform random number on the specified interval
- PGARandomUniform.5
- Returns a uniform random number on the interval [start,end]
- PGARound.5
- Mathematically round a double to an integer, using 0.5 as the cutoff value.
- PGASetRandomSeed.5
- Set a seed for the random number generator.
- PGAStddev.5
- Calculates the standard deviation of an array of elements
Section 6: Games
- PGAError.6
- Reports error messages. prints out the message supplied, and the value of a piece of data. terminates if pga_fatal.
- PGAGetMaxMachineDoubleValue.6
- Returns the largest double of the current machine
- PGAGetMaxMachineIntValue.6
- Returns the largest integer of the current machine
- PGAGetMinMachineDoubleValue.6
- Returns the smallest double of the current machine
- PGAGetMinMachineIntValue.6
- Returns the smallest integer of the current machine
- PGAGetPrintFrequencyValue.7
- Returns how often to print statistics reports
- PGAPrintContextVariable.7
- Prints the value of all the fields in the context variable.
- PGAPrintIndividual.7
- Prints the allele values of a string and associated fields (evaluation, fitness, etc.) of a string
- PGAPrintPopulation.7
- Calls pgaprintindividual to print each member of a population
- PGAPrintReport.7
- Prints genetic algorithm statistics.
- PGAPrintString.7
- Write the allele values in a string to a file
- PGASetPrintFrequencyValue.7
- Specifies the frequency with which genetic algorithm statistics are reported.
- PGASetPrintOptions.7
- Set flags to indicate what ga statistics should be printed whenever output is printed.
- PGAChange.8
- Repeatedly apply mutation to a string (with an increasing mutation rate) until one or more mutations have occurred.
- PGACheckStoppingConditions.8
- Returns boolean to indicate if the pgapack termination conditions -- pga_stop_maxiter, pga_stop_toosimilar, pga_stop_nochange -- have been met.
- PGACopyIndividual.8
- Copies string p1 in population pop1 to position p2 in population pop2
- PGACreate.8
- Creates an uninitialized context variable. the fortran version of this function call contains only the last three arguments
- PGADestroy.8
- Deallocate memory for this instance of pgapack, if this context initialized mpi, finalize mpi as well.
- PGADone.8
- Returns pga_true if the stopping conditions have been met, otherwise returns false.
- PGADuplicate.8
- Determines if a specified string is a duplicate of one already in an existing population
- PGAGetDataType.8
- Returns the data type used by the given context.
- PGAGetGAIterValue.8
- Returns the number of the current genetic algorithm generation
- PGAGetMaxGAIterValue.8
- Returns the maximum number of iterations to run
- PGAGetMutationAndCrossoverFlag.8
- Returns true if mutation occurs only when crossover does.
- PGAGetMutationOrCrossoverFlag.8
- Returns true if mutation only occurs when crossover does not.
- PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag.8
- Returns pga_true if duplicates are not allowed, else returns pga_false.
- PGAGetNumReplaceValue.8
- Returns the maximum number of strings to replace each generation.
- PGAGetOptDirFlag.8
- Returns a symbolic constant that represents the direction of optimization
- PGAGetPopReplaceType.8
- Returns the symbolic constant used to determine which strings to copy from the old population to the new population.
- PGAGetPopSize.8
- Returns the population size
- PGAGetSortedPopIndex.8
- Returns a population string index from the array created by pgasortpop().
- PGAGetStoppingRuleType.8
- Returns a symbolic constant that defines the termination criteria.
- PGAGetStringLength.8
- Returns the string length
- PGARun.8
- Highest level routine to execute the genetic algorithm. it is called after pgacreate and pgasetup have been called.
- PGARunGM.8
- High-level routine to execute the genetic algorithm using the global model.
- PGARunMutationAndCrossover.8
- Performs crossover and mutation from one population to create the next.
- PGARunMutationOrCrossover.8
- Performs crossover or mutation (but not both) from one populationto create the next.
- PGASetMaxGAIterValue.8
- Specify the maximum number of iterations for the stopping rule pga_stop_maxiter (which, by itself, is the default stopping rule and is always in effect).
- PGASetMaxNoChangeValue.8
- Specifiy maximum number of iterations of no change in the evaluation function value of the best string before stopping.
- PGASetMaxSimilarityValue.8
- Specifiy the maximum percent of homogeneity of the population before stopping.
- PGASetMutationAndCrossoverFlag.8
- A boolean flag to indicate if recombination uses both crossover and mutation on selected strings
- PGASetMutationOrCrossoverFlag.8
- A boolean flag to indicate if recombination uses exactly one of crossover or mutation on selected strings.
- PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag.8
- A boolean flag to indicate if duplicate strings are allowed in the population.
- PGASetNumReplaceValue.8
- Specifies the number of new strings to create each generation.
- PGASetPopReplaceType.8
- Choose method of sorting strings to copy from old population to new population.
- PGASetPopSize.8
- Specifies the size of the genetic algorithm population.
- PGASetStoppingRuleType.8
- Specify a stopping criterion.
- PGASetUp.8
- Set all uninitialized variables to default values and initialize some internal arrays.
- PGASetUserFunction.8
- Specifies the name of a user-written function call to provide a specific ga capability (e.g., crossover, mutation, etc.).
- PGASortPop.8
- Creates an (internal) array of indices according to one of three criteria.
- PGAUpdateGeneration.8
- Updates internal data structures for the next genetic algorithm iteration, and checks if the termination conditions, both user and pgapack, have been met.