- gdal_contour.1
- Gdal_contour builds vector contour lines from a raster elevation model
- gdal_rasterize.1
- Gdal_rasterize burns vector geometries into a raster
- gdal_translate.1
- Gdal_translate converts raster data between different formats
- gdal_utilities.1
- Gdal utilities a collection of gdal related programs. the following utility programs are distributed with gdal. gdalinfo - report information about a file. gdal_translate - copy a raster file, with control of output format. gdaladdo - add overviews to a file. gdalwarp - warp an image into a new coordinate system. gdaltindex - build a mapserver raster tileindex. gdalbuildvrt - build a vrt from a list of datasets. gdal_contour - contours from dem. gdaldem - tools to analyze and visualize dems. rgb2pct.py - convert a 24bit rgb image to 8bit paletted. pct2rgb.py - convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit rgb. gdal_merge.py - build a quick mosaic from a set of images. gdal2tiles.py - create a tms tile structure, kml and simple web viewer. gdal_rasterize - rasterize vectors into raster file. gdaltransform - transform coordinates. nearblack - convert nearly black/white borders to exact value. gdal_retile.py - retiles a set of tiles and/or build tiled pyramid levels. gdal_grid - create raster from the scattered data. gdal_proximity.py - compute a raster proximity map. gdal_polygonize.py - generate polygons from raster. gdal_sieve.py - raster sieve filter. gdal_fillnodata.py - interpolate in nodata regions. gdallocationinfo - query raster at a location. gdalsrsinfo - report a given srs in different formats. (gdal = 1.9.0) gdalmove.py - transform the coordinate system of a file (gdal = 1.10) gdal_edit.py - edit in place various information of an existing gdal dataset (projection, geotransform, nodata, metadata) gdal-config - get options required to build software using gdal. gdalmanage - identify, copy, rename and delete raster.
- gdaladdo.1
- Gdaladdo builds or rebuilds overview images
- gdalbuildvrt.1
- Gdalbuildvrt builds a vrt from a list of datasets. (compiled by default since gdal 1.6.1)
- gdaldem.1
- Gdaldem tools to analyze and visualize dems. (since gdal 1.7.0)
- gdalinfo.1
- Gdalinfo lists information about a raster dataset
- gdallocationinfo.1
- Gdallocationinfo raster query tool
- gdalmanage.1
- Gdalmanage identify, delete, rename and copy raster data files
- gdaltindex.1
- Gdaltindex builds a shapefile as a raster tileindex
- gdaltransform.1
- Gdaltransform transforms coordinates
- gdalwarp.1
- Gdalwarp image reprojection and warping utility
- nearblack.1
- Nearblack convert nearly black/white borders to black
- ogr2ogr.1
- Ogr2ogr converts simple features data between file formats
- ogr_utilities.1
- Ogr utility programs a collection of ogr related programs. the following utilities are distributed as part of the ogr simple features toolkit: ogrinfo - lists information about an ogr supported data source ogr2ogr - converts simple features data between file formats ogrtindex - creates a tileindex
- ogrinfo.1
- Ogrinfo lists information about an ogr supported data source
- ogrtindex.1
- Ogrtindex creates a tileindex