- funcalc.1
- Funtools calculator (for binary tables)
- funcen.1
- Find centroid (for binary tables)
- funcnts.1
- Count photons in specified regions, with bkgd subtraction
- funcone.1
- Cone search of a binary table containing ra, dec columns
- fundisp.1
- Display data in a funtools data file
- funds9.1
- Funtools and ds9 image display
- funhead.1
- Display a header in a funtools file
- funhist.1
- Create a 1d histogram of a column (from a fits binary table or raw event file) or an image
- funimage.1
- Create a fits image from a funtools data file
- funindex.1
- Create an index for a column of a fits binary table
- funjoin.1
- Join two or more fits binary tables on specified columns
- funmerge.1
- Merge one or more funtools table files
- funsky.1
- Convert between image and sky coordinates
- funtable.1
- Copy selected rows from a funtools file to a fits binary table
- funtbl.1
- Extract a table from funtools ascii output