- euare-accountaliascreate.1
- Create an alias for an account, a.k.a. an account name
- euare-accountaliasdelete.1
- Delete an account's alias, a.k.a. its account name
- euare-accountaliaslist.1
- List your account's aliases
- euare-accountcreate.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] create a new account
- euare-accountdel.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] delete an account
- euare-accountdelpolicy.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] remove a policy from an account
- euare-accountgetpolicy.1
- Display an account's policy
- euare-accountgetsummary.1
- Display account-level information about account entity usage and iam quotas
- euare-accountlist.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] list all of the cloud's accounts
- euare-accountlistpolicies.1
- [eucalyptus only] list one specific policy or all policies attached to an account. if no policies are attached to the account, the action still succeeds.
- euare-accountuploadpolicy.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] attach a policy to an account
- euare-getldapsyncstatus.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] show the status of the cloud's ldap synchronization
- euare-groupaddpolicy.1
- Add a new policy to a group. to add more complex policies than this tool supports, see euare-groupuploadpolicy.
- euare-groupadduser.1
- Add a user to a group
- euare-groupcreate.1
- Create a new group
- euare-groupdel.1
- Delete a group
- euare-groupdelpolicy.1
- Remove a policy from a group
- euare-groupgetpolicy.1
- Display a group's policy
- euare-grouplistbypath.1
- List your account's groups
- euare-grouplistpolicies.1
- List one specific policy or all policies attached to a group. if no policies are attached to the group, the command still succeeds.
- euare-grouplistusers.1
- List all the users in a group
- euare-groupmod.1
- Change the name and/or path of a group
- euare-groupremoveuser.1
- Remove a user from a group
- euare-groupuploadpolicy.1
- Attach a policy to a group
- euare-servercertdel.1
- Delete a server certificate
- euare-servercertgetattributes.1
- Show the arn and guid of a server certificate
- euare-servercertlistbypath.1
- List your account's server certificates
- euare-servercertmod.1
- Change the name and/or path of a server certificate
- euare-servercertupload.1
- Upload a server certificate
- euare-useraddcert.1
- Upload a signing certificate
- euare-useraddkey.1
- Create a new access key for a user
- euare-useraddloginprofile.1
- Create a password for the specified user
- euare-useraddpolicy.1
- Add a new policy to a user. to add more complex policies than this tool supports, see euare-useruploadpolicy.
- euare-usercreate.1
- Create a new user and optionally add the user to a group or generate an access key for the user
- euare-usercreatecert.1
- [eucalyptus only] create a new signing certificate
- euare-userdeactivatemfadevice.1
- Deactivate an mfa device
- euare-userdel.1
- Delete a user
- euare-userdelcert.1
- Delete a signing certificate
- euare-userdelkey.1
- Delete an access key
- euare-userdelloginprofile.1
- Delete a user's password
- euare-userdelpolicy.1
- Remove a policy from a user
- euare-userenablemfadevice.1
- Enable an mfa device
- euare-usergetattributes.1
- Display a user's arn and guid
- euare-usergetinfo.1
- [eucalyptus only] display information about a user
- euare-usergetloginprofile.1
- Verify that a user has a password
- euare-usergetpolicy.1
- Display a user's policy
- euare-userlistbypath.1
- List your account's users
- euare-userlistcerts.1
- List a user's signing certificates
- euare-userlistgroups.1
- List all groups a user is a member of
- euare-userlistkeys.1
- List a user's access keys
- euare-userlistmfadevices.1
- List a user's mfa devices
- euare-userlistpolicies.1
- List one specific policy or all policies attached to a user. if no policies are attached to the user, the action still succeeds.
- euare-usermod.1
- Change the name and/or path of a user
- euare-usermodcert.1
- Change the status of a signing certificate from active to inactive, or vice versa
- euare-usermodkey.1
- Change the status of an access key from active to inactive, or vice versa
- euare-usermodloginprofile.1
- Update a user's password
- euare-userresyncmfadevice.1
- Re-synchronize an mfa device with the server
- euare-userupdateinfo.1
- [eucalyptus only] update a user's information
- euare-useruploadpolicy.1
- Attach a policy to a user
- euca-allocate-address.1
- Allocate a public ip address
- euca-associate-address.1
- Associate an elastic ip address with a running instance
- euca-attach-volume.1
- Attach an ebs volume to an instance
- euca-authorize.1
- Add a rule to a security group that allows traffic to pass
- euca-bundle-image.1
- Prepare an image for uploading to a cloud
- euca-bundle-instance.1
- Bundle an s3-backed windows instance
- euca-bundle-vol.1
- Create a bundled iamge based on the running machine's filesystem
- euca-cancel-bundle-task.1
- Cancel an instance bundling operation
- euca-confirm-product-instance.1
- Verify if a product code is associated with an instance
- euca-copy-image.1
- Copy an image from another region
- euca-create-group.1
- Create a new security group
- euca-create-image.1
- Create an ebs image from a running or stopped ebs instance
- euca-create-keypair.1
- Create a new ssh key pair for use with instances
- euca-create-snapshot.1
- Create a snapshot of a volume
- euca-create-tags.1
- Add or overwrite tags for one or more resources
- euca-create-volume.1
- Create a new volume
- euca-delete-bundle.1
- Delete a previously-uploaded bundle
- euca-delete-group.1
- Delete a security group
- euca-delete-keypair.1
- Delete a key pair
- euca-delete-snapshot.1
- Delete a snapshot
- euca-delete-tags.1
- Delete tags from one or more resources
- euca-delete-volume.1
- Delete a volume
- euca-deregister.1
- De-register an image. after you de-register an image it cannot be used to launch new instances.
- euca-describe-addresses.1
- Show information about elastic ip addresses
- euca-describe-availability-zones.1
- Display availability zones within the current region
- euca-describe-bundle-tasks.1
- Describe current instance-bundling tasks
- euca-describe-group.1
- Show information about security groups
- euca-describe-groups.1
- Display information about regions
- euca-describe-image-attribute.1
- Show information about an attribute of an image
- euca-describe-images.1
- Show information about images
- euca-describe-instance-attribute.1
- Show one of an instance's attributes.
- euca-describe-instance-types.1
- [eucalyptus only] show information about instance types
- euca-describe-instances.1
- Show information about instances
- euca-describe-keypairs.1
- Display information about available key pairs
- euca-describe-regions.1
- Display information about regions
- euca-describe-snapshots.1
- Show information about snapshots
- euca-describe-tags.1
- List tags associated with your account's resources
- euca-describe-volumes.1
- Display information about volumes
- euca-detach-volume.1
- Detach a volume from an instance
- euca-disassociate-address.1
- Disassociate an elastic ip address from an instance
- euca-download-bundle.1
- Download a bundled image from the cloud
- euca-get-console-output.1
- Retrieve console output for the specified instance
- euca-get-password.1
- Retrieve the administrator password for an instance running windows
- euca-get-password-data.1
- Retrieve the encrypted administrator password for an instance running windows. the encrypted password may be decrypted using the private key of the key pair given when launching the instance.
- euca-import-keypair.1
- Import a public rsa key as a new key pair
- euca-modify-image-attribute.1
- Modify an attribute of an image
- euca-modify-instance-type.1
- [eucalyptus cloud admin only] modify an instance type
- euca-modify-snapshot-attribute.1
- Modify an attribute of a snapshot
- euca-monitor-instances.1
- Enable monitoring for one or more instances
- euca-reboot-instances.1
- Reboot one or more instances
- euca-register.1
- Register a new image
- euca-release-address.1
- Release an elastic ip address
- euca-reset-image-attribute.1
- Reset an attribute of an image to its default value
- euca-revoke.1
- Remove a rule from a security group
- euca-run-instances.1
- Launch instances of a machine image
- euca-start-instances.1
- Start one or more stopped instances
- euca-stop-instances.1
- Stop one or more running instances
- euca-terminate-instances.1
- Terminate one or more instances
- euca-unbundle.1
- Recreate an image from its bundled parts
- euca-unmonitor-instances.1
- Disable monitoring for one or more instances
- euca-upload-bundle.1
- Upload a bundle prepared by euca-bundle-image to the cloud
- euca-version.1
- Display the euca2ools suite's version
- eulb-apply-security-groups-to-lb.1
- [vpc only] associate one or more security groups with a load balancer. all previous associations with security groups will be replaced.
- eulb-attach-lb-to-subnets.1
- [vpc only] add a load balancer to one or more subnets
- eulb-configure-healthcheck.1
- Configure health checking for instance registerd with a load balancer
- eulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy.1
- Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the server application generates a cookie and adds it to its responses. the load balancer will then use this cookie to route requests from each user to the same back end instance. this type of policy can only be associated with http or https listeners,
- eulb-create-lb.1
- Create a load balancer
- eulb-create-lb-cookie-stickiness-policy.1
- Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the load balancer automatically generates cookies that it uses to route requests from each user to the same back end instance. this type of policy can only be associated with http or https listeners.
- eulb-create-lb-listeners.1
- Add one or more listeners to a load balancer
- eulb-create-lb-policy.1
- Add a new policy to a load balancer
- eulb-delete-lb.1
- Delete a load balancer
- eulb-delete-lb-listeners.1
- Delete one or more listeners from a load balancer
- eulb-delete-lb-policy.1
- Delete a policy from a load balancer
- eulb-deregister-instances-from-lb.1
- Remove one or more instances from a load balancer
- eulb-describe-instance-health.1
- Show the state of instances registered with a load balancer
- eulb-describe-lb-policies.1
- Show information about load balancer policies
- eulb-describe-lb-policy-types.1
- Show information about load balancer policy types
- eulb-describe-lbs.1
- Show information about load balancers
- eulb-detach-lb-from-subnets.1
- [vpc only] remove a load balancer from one or more subnets
- eulb-disable-zones-for-lb.1
- Remove a load balancer from one or more availability zones
- eulb-enable-zones-for-lb.1
- Add a load balancer to one or more availability zones
- eulb-register-instances-with-lb.1
- Add one or more instances to a load balancer
- eulb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert.1
- Change the certificate that terminates a load balancer'slistener's ssl connections
- eulb-set-lb-policies-for-backend-server.1
- Change the policies associated with a port on which load-balanced back end servers listen.
- eulb-set-lb-policies-of-listener.1
- Change the policy associated with a load balancer listener
- euscale-create-auto-scaling-group.1
- Create a new auto-scaling group
- euscale-create-launch-config.1
- Create a new auto-scaling instance launch configuration
- euscale-create-or-update-tags.1
- Create or update one or more resource tags
- euscale-delete-auto-scaling-group.1
- Delete an auto-scaling group
- euscale-delete-launch-config.1
- Delete an auto-scaling instance launch configuration
- euscale-delete-notification-configuration.1
- Delete an auto-scaling group's notification configuration
- euscale-delete-policy.1
- Delete a scaling policy
- euscale-delete-scheduled-action.1
- Delete a scheduled action
- euscale-delete-tags.1
- Delete one or more resource tags
- euscale-describe-adjustment-types.1
- Describe policy adjustment types usable with scaling policies
- euscale-describe-auto-scaling-groups.1
- Describe auto-scaling groups
- euscale-describe-auto-scaling-instances.1
- Describe instances in auto-scaling groups
- euscale-describe-auto-scaling-notification-types.1
- List all notification types supported by the service
- euscale-describe-launch-configs.1
- Describe auto-scaling instance launch configurations
- euscale-describe-metric-collection-types.1
- Describe auto-scaling metrics and granularities
- euscale-describe-notification-configurations.1
- Describe notification actions associated with auto-scaling groups
- euscale-describe-policies.1
- Describe auto-scaling policies
- euscale-describe-process-types.1
- List all types of scaling processes
- euscale-describe-scaling-activities.1
- Describe past and current auto-scaling activities
- euscale-describe-scheduled-actions.1
- Describe scheduled auto-scaling group actions
- euscale-describe-tags.1
- Describe auto-scaling tags
- euscale-describe-termination-policy-types.1
- List all termination policies supported by the service
- euscale-disable-metrics-collection.1
- Disable monitoring of an auto-scaling group's group metrics
- euscale-enable-metrics-collection.1
- Enable monitoring of an auto-scaling group's group metrics
- euscale-execute-policy.1
- Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health status
- euscale-put-notification-configuration.1
- Create or replace an auto-scaling group's notification configuration
- euscale-put-scaling-policy.1
- Create or update an auto-scaling group's scaling policy
- euscale-put-scheduled-update-group-action.1
- Schedule a scaling action for an auto-scaling group
- euscale-resume-processes.1
- Resume an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling processes
- euscale-set-desired-capacity.1
- Set an auto-scaling group's desired capacity
- euscale-set-instance-health.1
- Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health status
- euscale-suspend-processes.1
- Suspend an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling processes
- euscale-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group.1
- Manually terminate an auto-scaling instance
- euscale-update-auto-scaling-group.1
- Update an auto-scaling group's parameters
- euwatch-delete-alarms.1
- Delete alarms
- euwatch-describe-alarm-history.1
- Retrieve history for one alarm or all alarms
- euwatch-describe-alarms.1
- Describe alarms
- euwatch-describe-alarms-for-metric.1
- Describe alarms for a single metric.
- euwatch-disable-alarm-actions.1
- Disable all actions for one or more alarms
- euwatch-enable-alarm-actions.1
- Enable all actions for one or more alarms
- euwatch-get-stats.1
- Show a metric's statistics
- euwatch-list-metrics.1
- Show a list of monitoring metrics
- euwatch-put-data.1
- Add data points or statistics to a metric
- euwatch-put-metric-alarm.1
- Create or update an alarm
- euwatch-set-alarm-state.1
- Temporarily set the state of an alarm