vserver-build -m method -n name [--force] [--keep] [--rootdir dir] [--pkgbase dir] config options* [--] method arguments*

-m method

Use build method; see below for possible values.

-n name

Name of vserver you are building.


Remove/rename already existing vservers with the same name.


Do not delete generated files and directories if vserver build fails.

--rootdir dir

Root vserver directory [default: /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase].

--pkgbase dir

Package base directory [default: /var/lib/vservers/.pkg].


--context num

  • The static context of the vserver [default: none; one will be generated for you]. The valid range is 2 through 49151.

--confdir dir

  • The vserver configuration directory to use [default: /etc/vservers/<name>].

--lockfile filename

  • The lockfile to use [default: /var/run/vservers/<name>].

--hostname hostname

  • Hostname of the vserver.

--netdev device

  • The default interface to use for --interface.

--netbcast broadcast

  • Broadcast address to associate with the vserver.

--netmask netmask|--netprefix prefixlen

  • Sets the default netmask (a.b.c.d quadruple) or prefixlen (length of the network).

--interface [name-suffix=][device:]ip[/mask|prefixlen]

  • Declares a network-interface name and associated IP/netmask; this option can be specified multiple times.

--flags flags+

  • Sets comma-separated list of flags; see lib/cflags-v13.c for a list.

--cpuset name

  • Declares the CPUSET this vserver will run in [default: none]

--cpusetcpus number[-number][:exclusive]

  • Sets which CPUs belong to the CPUSET, :exclusive is a flag (0|1) prohibiting any other cpuset from using those CPUs.

--cpusetmems number[-number][:exclusive]

  • Sets which memory pools belong to the CPUSET, :exclusive is a flag (0|1) prohibiting any other cpuset from using those memory pools.


  • Virtualize the cpuset (the vserver will see only CPUs defined in the cpuset). Requires kernel patch from

--initstyle style

  • Configures the initstyle (e.g. minit, sysv, plain, gentoo)



  • -- -d distribution

    Installs the base-packages of the given distribution with the help of vapt-get


  • -- -d distribution

    Installs the base-packages of the given distribution with help of vyum


  • -- [-d distribution] --empty|([--force] [--nodeps] manifest)+

    Installs lists of rpm-packages


  • -- [cmd args*]

    Installs a minimal skeleton filesystem, creates the configuration file and calls an optional command


  • -- -d distribution [-m mirror] [-s script] [-- debootstrap-options*]

    Bootstraps the vserver with Debian's 'debootstrap' package


  • -- (-t tarball)+ [-d distribution]

    Installs a vserver using tarball(s)


  • -- [-f fai_vserver] [-n nfsroot] [-d fai_dir] [-a]

    Bootstraps the vserver with the Debian Fully Automatic Installation

    -f means use the nfsroot and profile in the vserver fai_vserver

    -n nfsroot specifies the 'NFS' root explicitly

    -d fai_dir specifies the location of the FAI profile

    the -f option implies -n and -d are relative to the fai_vserver


  • -- [-d distribution] --source source [-o rsync option]*

    Installs a vserver by rsyncing from source to the guest root


  • -- [-d distribution] --source source

    Clones a vserver by linking unified files and copying the rest


# vserver kea build -m debootstrap --context 10 --hostname kea --interface eth0: -- -d etch


Please report bugs to [email protected]


This man page was written by Micah Anderson <[email protected]> and based upon the helpful output from the program itself.

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