c-icap-client [ -i icap_servername ] [ -p port ] [ -s service ] [ -f input_file ] [ -o out_file ] [ -req url ] [ -resp url ] [ -d debug level ] [ -noreshdr ] [ -nopreview ] [ -no204 ] [ -206 ] [ -x icap-header ] [ -hx http-request-header ] [ -rhx http-response-header ] [ -w preview_size ] [ -v ]


c-icap-client is a simple ICAP client. It can be used to test your icap server configuration.


-i icap_servername

The hostname of the icap server. The default is localhost

-p port

The server port. The default port value is 1344

-s service

The service name. The default service name is "echo"

-f filename

Send this file to the icap server. Default is to send an options request

-o filename

Save output to this file. Default is to send to stdout

-req url

Send a request modification instead of response modification, using as http url the url provided with this option.

-resp url

Send a response modification with http request headers, using as http url the url provided with this option.

-d level

debug level info to stdout


Do not send reshdr headers


Do not send preview request data


Do not allow204 outside preview


Support 206 responses

-x icap-header

Include the icap-header in icap request headers

-hx http-request-header

Include the http-request-header in http request headers

-rhx http-response-header

Include the http-response-header in http response headers

-w preview

Sets the maximum preview data size to preview


Print response headers

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Tsantilas Christos