Chrooted isc dhcp server resource agent.
dhcpd [start | stop | monitor | meta-data | validate-all]
Manage an ISC DHCP server service in a chroot environment.
The absolute path to the DHCP server configuration file.
(unique, required, string, no default)
Configure the dhcpd service to run in a chrooted or non-chrooted mode.
(unique, optional, boolean, default true)
The absolute path of the chrooted DHCP environment.
(unique, optional, string, default "/var/lib/dhcp")
The binary for the DHCP server process. An absolute path definition is not required, but can be used to override environment path.
(optional, string, default "dhcpd")
The system user the DHCP server process will run as when it is chrooted.
(optional, string, default "dhcpd")
The system group the DHCP server process will run as when it is chrooted.
(optional, string, default "nogroup")
The network interface(s) the DHCP server process will bind to. A blank value will bind the process to all interfaces.
(optional, string, no default)
This parameter provides a means to copy include files into the chrooted environment. If a dhcpd.conf file contains a line similar to this:
include "/etc/named.keys";
Then an admin also has to tell the dhcpd RA that this file should be pulled into the chrooted environment. This is a space delimited list.
(optional, string, no default)
The leases database file, relative to chrooted_path.
(optional, string, default "/db/dhcpd.leases")
The path and filename of the PID file. It is relative to chrooted_path.
(optional, string, default "/var/run/")
This resource agent supports the following actions (operations):
Starts the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 20.
Stops the resource. Suggested minimum timeout: 20.
Performs a detailed status check. Suggested minimum timeout: 20. Suggested interval: 10.
Retrieves resource agent metadata (internal use only). Suggested minimum timeout: 5.
Performs a validation of the resource configuration. Suggested minimum timeout: 20.
The following is an example configuration for a dhcpd resource using the crm(8) shell:
primitive p_dhcpd ocf:heartbeat:dhcpd \ params \ config=string \ op monitor timeout="20" interval="10" depth="0"
Linux-HA contributors (see the resource agent source for information about individual authors)