service cloudprintd login

Establish login credentials with Cloud Print, then immediately exit. This will prompt for a username and password, if necessary. If the account has two-factor authentication enabled, then an application-specific password must be used. This and all other cloudprintd service commands must be run as root.

service cloudprintd start

Start the cloudprintd service. This will fail if the credentials have not been established. The service will normally start automatically when the computer is running.

service cloudprintd stop

Stop the cloudprintd service. Login credentials are not lost. Normally, the printer will continue to be shown as a valid destination. Any jobs spooled during that time will print when the service is restarted.

service cloudprintd status

Determine whether the service is running or not.

service cloudprintd logout

Delete the login credentials such that the service cannot be restarted without another 'login'.



The cloudprintd services manages the operation of a Google Cloud Print proxy. It makes locally-defined CUPS printers available for use by approved Google users, both locally and remotely.

It is recommended that a dedicated account be used for this service. Printers can be shared from that account to others via the printer management page at



This file contains a number of parameters that control cloudprint. View the file for more details.

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