Libmemcached documentation modifiy verbosity of servers
#include <libmemcached/memcached.h>
memcached_return_t memcached_verbosity(memcached_st *ptr, uint32_t verbosity)
Compile and link with -lmemcached
memcached_verbosity() modifies the "verbosity" of the memcached(1) servers referenced in the memcached_st parameter.
A value of type memcached_return_t is returned.
On success that value will be MEMCACHED_SUCCESS.
Use memcached_strerror() to translate this value to a printable string.
To find out more information please check:
memcached(1) libmemcached(3) memcached_strerror(3)
Brian Aker
2011-2013, Brian Aker DataDifferential,