use lfc;

printf "CNS_LIST_BEGIN is %d\n", $lfc::CNS_LIST_BEGIN;


The lfc module permits you to access the LFC client interface from perl programs. The lfc module is a swig wrapping of the standard C interface. For detailed descriptions of each function see the individual man page of each function.

There follows a series of examples of how to use selected functions and how to retrieve the information returned by them: Examples are finding the GUID of an existing entry, listing the replicas of a given GUID and setting and retrieving the comment associated with an entry.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lfc;

# stat an existing entry in the LFC and print the GUID
my ($name,$stat,$guid,$res);
$name = "/grid/dteam/my.test";

$stat = lfcc::new_lfc_filestatg();
$res = lfc::lfc_statg($name,undef,$stat);

if ($res == 0) {
  $guid = lfcc::lfc_filestatg_guid_get($stat);
  print "The GUID for $name is $guid\n";
} else {
  my $err_num = $lfc::serrno;
  my $err_string = lfc::sstrerror($err_num);
  print "There was an error while looking for $name: Error $err_num ($err_string)\n";


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lfc;

# list the replicas of a given entry, starting from the GUID
my ($guid,$listp,$flag,$num_replicas);
$guid = "6a3164e0-a4d7-4abe-9f76-e3b8882735d1";

$listp = lfcc::new_lfc_list();
$flag =  $lfc::CNS_LIST_BEGIN;

print "Listing replicas for GUID $guid:\n";


while(1) {
  my $res = lfc::lfc_listreplica(undef,$guid,$flag,$listp);
  $flag = $lfc::CNS_LIST_CONTINUE;

  if (!defined $res) {
  } else {
    my $rep_name = lfcc::lfc_filereplica_sfn_get($res);
    print "Replica: $rep_name\n";

print "Found $num_replicas replica(s)\n";


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lfc;

# setting and retrieving a comment on a file
my ($file,$res,$bufspec,$buffer,$comment);
$file = "/grid/dteam/my.test";

$comment = "MyComment";
$res = lfc::lfc_setcomment($file,$comment);

if ($res != 0) {
  my $err_num = $lfc::serrno;
  my $err_string = lfc::sstrerror($err_num);
  print "Problem while setting comment for $file: Error $err_num ($err_string)\n";

$bufspec =  "x".($lfc::CA_MAXCOMMENTLEN+1);
$buffer = pack($bufspec);
$res = lfc::lfc_getcomment($file,$buffer);

if ($res != 0) {
  my $err_num = $lfc::serrno;
  my $err_string = lfc::sstrerror($err_num);
  print "Problem while reading the comment for $file: Error $err_num ($err_string)\n";

$comment = unpack("Z*", $buffer);
print "Read back comment $comment\n";


The current interface to the lfc_getcomment(3), lfc_getcwd(3), lfc_readlink(3), lfc_seterrbuf(3) requires the passing of a suitably allocated buffer (in a similar way to the C functions). However this is rather non standard in PERL. A future version of lfc perl interface may do away with the need to setup the buffer before the call and to explicitly unpack the result afterwards.

RELATED TO lfc_perl…

LFC C interface man pages