#include <stdint.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <ldns/ldns.h>

ldns_status ldns_dane_verify(ldns_rr_list* tlsas, X509* cert, STACK_OF(X509)* extra_certs, X509_STORE* pkix_validation_store);

ldns_status ldns_dane_verify_rr(const ldns_rr* tlsa_rr, X509* cert, STACK_OF(X509)* extra_certs, X509_STORE* pkix_validation_store);


ldns_dane_verify() Verify if any of the given TLSA resource records matches the given certificate.

.br tlsas: The resource records that specify what and how to match the certificate. One must match for this function to succeed. With tlsas == NULL or the number of TLSA records in tlsas == 0, regular PKIX validation is performed. .br cert: The certificate to match (and validate) .br extra_certs: Intermediate certificates that might be necessary creating the validation chain. .br pkix_validation_store: Used when the certificate usage is "CA constraint" or "Service Certificate Constraint" to validate the certificate.

.br Returns LDNS_STATUS_OK on success, LDNS_STATUS_DANE_PKIX_DID_NOT_VALIDATE when one of the TLSA's matched but the PKIX validation failed, LDNS_STATUS_DANE_TLSA_DID_NOT_MATCH when none of the TLSA's matched, or other ldns_status errors.

ldns_dane_verify_rr() Verify if the given TLSA resource record matches the given certificate. Reporting on a TLSA rr mismatch (LDNS_STATUS_DANE_TLSA_DID_NOT_MATCH) is preferred over PKIX failure (LDNS_STATUS_DANE_PKIX_DID_NOT_VALIDATE). So when PKIX validation is required by the TLSA Certificate usage, but the TLSA data does not match, LDNS_STATUS_DANE_TLSA_DID_NOT_MATCH is returned whether the PKIX validated or not.

.br tlsa_rr: The resource record that specifies what and how to match the certificate. With tlsa_rr == NULL, regular PKIX validation is performed. .br cert: The certificate to match (and validate) .br extra_certs: Intermediate certificates that might be necessary creating the validation chain. .br pkix_validation_store: Used when the certificate usage is "CA constraint" or "Service Certificate Constraint" to validate the certificate.

.br Returns LDNS_STATUS_OK on success, LDNS_STATUS_DANE_TLSA_DID_NOT_MATCH on TLSA data mismatch, LDNS_STATUS_DANE_PKIX_DID_NOT_VALIDATE when TLSA matched, but the PKIX validation failed, or other ldns_status errors.


The ldns team at NLnet Labs. Which consists out of Jelte Jansen and Miek Gieben.


Please report bugs to [email protected] or in our bugzilla at


Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs.

Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

RELATED TO ldns_dane_verify…

ldns_dane_create_tlsa_owner, ldns_dane_cert2rdf, ldns_dane_select_certificate, ldns_dane_create_tlsa_rr. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035.


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