#include <ccrtp/queuebase.h>

#include <ccrtp/CryptoContext.h>

#include <list>


class Members

members and senders accounting class SyncSourceHandler

SyncSource objects modification methods. class ParticipantHandler

Participant objects modification methods. class ApplicationHandler

Application objects modification methods. class ConflictHandler

To track addresses of sources conflicting with the local one. struct ConflictHandler::ConflictingTransportAddress

class MembershipBookkeeping

Controls the group membership in the current session. struct MembershipBookkeeping::IncomingRTPPktLink

Incoming RTP data packets control structure within the incoming packet queue class. struct MembershipBookkeeping::SyncSourceLink

Synchronization Source internal handler within the incoming packets queue. class IncomingDataQueue

Queue for incoming RTP data packets in an RTP session. class IncomingDataQueue::SyncSourcesIterator

iterator through the list of synchronizations sources in this session

Detailed Description

Generic RTP input queues.


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