#include <fribidi.h>

void fribidi_shape


FriBidiFlags flags,

const FriBidiLevel *embedding_levels,

const FriBidiStrIndex len,

FriBidiArabicProp *ar_props,

FriBidiChar *str



FriBidiFlags flags

Shaping flags.

const FriBidiLevel *embedding_levels

Input list of embedding levels, as returned by fribidi_get_par_embedding_levels.

const FriBidiStrIndex len

Input string length.

FriBidiArabicProp *ar_props

Input/output Arabic properties as computed by fribidi_join_arabic.

FriBidiChar *str

String to shape.


This function does all shaping work that depends on the resolved embedding levels of the characters. Currently it does mirroring and Arabic shaping, but the list may grow in the future. This function is a wrapper around fribidi_shape_mirroring and fribidi_shape_arabic.

The flags parameter specifies which shapings are applied. The only flags affecting the functionality of this function are those beginning with FRIBIDI_FLAG_SHAPE_. Of these, only FRIBIDI_FLAG_SHAPE_MIRRORING is on in FRIBIDI_FLAGS_DEFAULT. For details of the Arabic-specific flags see fribidi_shape_arabic. If ar_props is NULL, no Arabic shaping is performed.

Feel free to do your own shaping before or after calling this function, but you should take care of embedding levels yourself then.

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