New features in coin v3.0.0 to come. new features for coin v2.5.0 are here.
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coin300: New features in coin v3.0.0 to come. new features for coin v2.5.0 are here.
coin300: New features in coin v3.0.0 to come. new features for coin v2.5.0 are here.
coin250.3: New features in coin v2.5.0 this is a brief summary of the new features in coin v2.5.0, grouped by feature category.
coin_shaders.3: Shaders in coin coin 2.5 added support for shaders. the main nodes used are soshaderprogram, sovertexshader, sofragmentshader, and sogeometryshader. a typical scene graph with shaders will look something like this: