Creates a mapping
C/C++: TAU_MAPPING_CREATE(char *name, char *type, char *groupname, unsigned long key, int tid);
TAU_MAPPING_CREATE creates a mapping and associates it with the key that is specified. Later, this key may be used to retrieve the FunctionInfo object associated with this key for timing purposes. The thread identifier is specified in the tid parameter.
C/C++ :
class MyClass { public: MyClass() { TAU_MAPPING_LINK(runtimer, TAU_USER); } ~MyClass() {} void Run(void) { TAU_MAPPING_PROFILE(runtimer); // For one object TAU_PROFILE("MyClass::Run()", " void (void)", TAU_USER1); cout <<"Sleeping for 2 secs..."<<endl; sleep(2); } private: TAU_MAPPING_OBJECT(runtimer) // EMBEDDED ASSOCIATION }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { TAU_PROFILE_INIT(argc, argv); TAU_PROFILE("main()", "int (int, char **)", TAU_DEFAULT); MyClass x, y, z; TAU_MAPPING_CREATE("MyClass::Run() for object a", " " , TAU_USER, "TAU_USER", 0); MyClass a; TAU_PROFILE_SET_NODE(0); cout <<"Inside main"<<endl; a.Run(); x.Run(); y.Run(); }