The sowwwanchor class adds url callbacks to the highlighted geometry. in addition to highlighting geometry under the cursor, the application programmer can set callbacks. it is possible to set one callback for picking, the fetch callback, and one callback for highlighting.
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoWWWAnchor.h>
Inherits SoLocateHighlight.
enum Mapping { NONE, POINT }
virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
Returns the type identification of an object derived from a class inheriting SoBase. This is used for run-time type checking and 'downward' casting. SoWWWAnchor (void)
void setFullURLName (const SbString &url)
const SbString & getFullURLName (void)
virtual void handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *action)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)
static void setFetchURLCallBack (SoWWWAnchorCB *f, void *userData)
static void setHighlightURLCallBack (SoWWWAnchorCB *f, void *userData)
SoSFString name
SoSFString description
SoSFEnum map
virtual const SoFieldData * getFieldData (void) const
virtual ~SoWWWAnchor ()
virtual void redrawHighlighted (SoAction *act, SbBool isNowHighlighting)
static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)
The SoWWWAnchor class adds URL callbacks to the highlighted geometry.
In addition to highlighting geometry under the cursor, the application programmer can set callbacks. It is possible to set one callback for picking, the fetch callback, and one callback for highlighting.
#Inventor V2.1 ascii WWWAnchor { name "" description "Easter Egg" Separator { Transform { scaleFactor 0.8 1.2 0.8 } Sphere { } } }
WWWAnchor { renderCaching AUTO boundingBoxCaching AUTO renderCulling AUTO pickCulling AUTO color 0.3 0.3 0.3 style EMISSIVE mode AUTO name "<Undefined URL>" description "" map NONE }
Inventor 2.1
Enum that says how a picked node's position should be mapped to the URL.
The position of the picked node is not mapped to the URL.
The position of the picked node is mapped to the URL as object space coordinates, adding a parameter string to the end of the URL. To assure that the URL works with all browsers, the coordinates are divided by commas sent as the hex representation.
If a model by the name of sim.wrl resided at and the picked point had the coordinates [1.5, 10, 6.77], the resulting URL would be ''.
Returns the type identification of an object derived from a class inheriting SoBase. This is used for run-time type checking and 'downward' casting. Usage example:
void foo(SoNode * node) { if (node->getTypeId() == SoFile::getClassTypeId()) { SoFile * filenode = (SoFile *)node; // safe downward cast, knows the type } }
For application programmers wanting to extend the library with new nodes, engines, nodekits, draggers or others: this method needs to be overridden in all subclasses. This is typically done as part of setting up the full type system for extension classes, which is usually accomplished by using the pre-defined macros available through for instance Inventor/nodes/SoSubNode.h (SO_NODE_INIT_CLASS and SO_NODE_CONSTRUCTOR for node classes), Inventor/engines/SoSubEngine.h (for engine classes) and so on.
For more information on writing Coin extensions, see the class documentation of the toplevel superclasses for the various class groups.
Reimplemented from SoLocateHighlight.
Returns a pointer to the class-wide field data storage object for this instance. If no fields are present, returns NULL.
Reimplemented from SoLocateHighlight.
Sets the full URL to url. If this is set, this URL will be used in callbacks instead of the URL set in SoWWWAnchor::name.
See also:
Returns the full URL if it's set by SoWWWAnchor::setFullURLName(). Otherwise the contents of SoWWWAnchor::name is returned.
See also:
Action method for SoHandleEventAction.
Inspects the event data from action, and processes it if it is something which this node should react to.
Nodes influencing relevant state variables for how event handling is done also overrides this method.
Reimplemented from SoLocateHighlight.
Sets the callback function f that is called when a SoWWWAnchor node is clicked on. This callback can among other things be used to provide a browser with the URL of this node.
The callback will be called with the URL, userData and a pointer to this node as arguments.
Sets the callback function f that is called when a SoWWWAnchor node is highlighted. This callback can among other things be used to provide the user with a visual clue on which URL the node points to, for example by showing the URL as a string.
The callback will be called with the URL, userData and a pointer to this node as arguments.
Calls the highlight callback set up with SoWWWAnchor::setHighlightURLCallBack().
Reimplemented from SoLocateHighlight.
The name of the URL which the anchor points to.
The description of the URL.
Enum describing how a node's position should be mapped to the URL.
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