The sonodekitcatalog class is a container for nodekit layouts. nodekits store all their hierarchical layout information and part information in instances of this class.
#include <Inventor/nodekits/SoNodekitCatalog.h>
SoNodekitCatalog (void)
~SoNodekitCatalog ()
int getNumEntries (void) const
int getPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
const SbName & getName (int part) const
SoType getType (int part) const
SoType getType (const SbName &name) const
SoType getDefaultType (int part) const
SoType getDefaultType (const SbName &name) const
SbBool isNullByDefault (int part) const
SbBool isNullByDefault (const SbName &name) const
SbBool isLeaf (int part) const
SbBool isLeaf (const SbName &name) const
const SbName & getParentName (int part) const
const SbName & getParentName (const SbName &name) const
int getParentPartNumber (int part) const
int getParentPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
const SbName & getRightSiblingName (int part) const
const SbName & getRightSiblingName (const SbName &name) const
int getRightSiblingPartNumber (int part) const
int getRightSiblingPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
SbBool isList (int part) const
SbBool isList (const SbName &name) const
SoType getListContainerType (int part) const
SoType getListContainerType (const SbName &name) const
const SoTypeList & getListItemTypes (int part) const
const SoTypeList & getListItemTypes (const SbName &name) const
SbBool isPublic (int part) const
SbBool isPublic (const SbName &name) const
SoNodekitCatalog * clone (SoType type) const
SbBool addEntry (const SbName &name, SoType type, SoType defaulttype, SbBool isdefaultnull, const SbName &parent, const SbName &rightsibling, SbBool islist, SoType listcontainertype, SoType listitemtype, SbBool ispublic)
void addListItemType (int part, SoType type)
void addListItemType (const SbName &name, SoType type)
void narrowTypes (const SbName &name, SoType newtype, SoType newdefaulttype)
void setNullByDefault (const SbName &name, SbBool nullbydefault)
SbBool recursiveSearch (int part, const SbName &name, SoTypeList *checked) const
void printCheck (void) const
static void initClass (void)
The SoNodekitCatalog class is a container for nodekit layouts.
Nodekits store all their hierarchical layout information and part information in instances of this class.
See also:
SoNodeKit, SoBaseKit
Initialization of static variables.
Returns total number of entries in the catalog.
Returns part number in catalog with name. If no part exists with name, returns SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND.
Given the part number, return name of that part.
Given the part number, return type.
Given the part name, return type.
Given part number, return default type of part.
Given part name, return default type of part.
Returns TRUE if the part is empty by default, otherwise FALSE.
Returns TRUE if part name is empty by default, otherwise FALSE.
Returns TRUE if the part is not a parent for any other parts in the nodekit catalog.
Returns TRUE if the part name is not a parent for any other parts in the nodekit catalog.
Returns name of parent of part. If part doesn't have a parent, the empty string is returned.
Returns name of parent of the part. If name doesn't have a parent, the empty string is returned.
Returns part number of given part's parent. If part doesn't have a parent, SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND is returned.
Returns part number of given part's parent. If name doesn't have a parent, SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND is returned.
Returns name of right sibling of part. Returns the empty string if part doesn't have a right sibling.
Returns name of sibling of the part. Returns the empty string if name doesn't have a right sibling.
Returns part number of given part's sibling. Returns SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND if part doesn't have a right sibling.
Returns part number of given part's right sibling. Returns SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND if part doesn't have a right sibling.
Returns TRUE if the given part is a list container.
Returns TRUE if the given part is a list container.
Returns type of list container (SoGroup, SoSeparator, SoSwitch, etc) which part is.
Returns type of list container (SoGroup, SoSeparator, SoSwitch, etc) which the named part is.
Returns list of node types which are allowed to be children of the list container part.
Returns list of node types which are allowed to be children of the named list container part.
Returns TRUE if part is visible and publicly available for queries and modifications, FALSE if part is hidden.
Returns TRUE if the part is visible and publicly available for queries and modifications, FALSE if it is hidden.
Return a clone of this catalog. type will be used to set the type and defaulttype values of the toplevel this entry.
Add a new entry to the catalog. Returns TRUE if add was ok.
Add another allowable type for the given part. part must of course be a list container item.
Add another allowable type for the name part. The part must of course be a list container.
Set the type and default type of a part to be subtypes of the old types. Useful for 'narrowing' the specification of a nodekit which inherits the catalog of a more generic nodekit superclass.
Change whether or not the part with the given name is created by default.
Recursively search part number in catalog for the name part.
The checked SoTypeList is just used as a placeholder to remember which nodekit class catalogs have already been scanned (or are being scanned) during the recursion. You should normally just pass in an empty list.
Lists all catalog parts, which is useful for debugging.
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