The sonodekitpath class is a path that contains only nodekit nodes. all other nodes are hidden from the user.
#include <Inventor/SoNodeKitPath.h>
Inherits SoPath.
int getLength (void) const
SoNode * getTail (void) const
SoNode * getNode (const int idx) const
SoNode * getNodeFromTail (const int idx) const
void truncate (const int length)
void pop (void)
void append (SoBaseKit *childKit)
void append (const SoNodeKitPath *fromPath)
SbBool containsNode (SoBaseKit *node) const
int findFork (const SoNodeKitPath *path) const
SoNodeKitPath (const int approxLength)
virtual ~SoNodeKitPath ()
int operator== (const SoNodeKitPath &p1, const SoNodeKitPath &p2)
The SoNodeKitPath class is a path that contains only nodekit nodes.
All other nodes are hidden from the user.
A constructor.
The destructor.
Returns the length of the path (the number of nodekit nodes).
Returns the tail of the path (the last nodekit in the path).
Returns nodekit number idx in path.
Returns nodekit number idx in the path, from the tail.
Truncates the path at nodekit number length.
Pops off the last nodekit (truncates at last tail).
Appends childKit to the path. childKit should be a part in the tail nodekit of this path. In effect, the path from the tail to first occurrance of childKit will be appended to the path.
Appends the nodekit path to this path. Head of fromPath must be a part in the current tail.
Returns TRUE if node is in this path.
Returns the index of last common nodekit, or -1 if head node differs.
Returns TRUE if paths are equal, FALSE otherwise.
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